Way to shut the Back Door
1. Friendly, knowledgeable persons answering phone and front desk 12 hours a day. Have no automated service with Four lines, message on hold, and friendly short voice mail.
2. Web page updated every Friday
3. Sign in front of building has to be good!
4. Spend money on things like annual flowers outside
5. Canopy on your building so kids will not get wet when knocked off
6. New Student checklist along with lesson confirmation card.
7. Get up and open door if a mother has a stroller, or carrying babies.
8. Greet everyone, even if on the phone, who enters the door -know names of new customers.
9. Same desk person every week and have front desk person involved in themes. They can wear leis, witch's hats.
10. Say goodbye and thanks for coming
11. Nametags out for new child and a child in a makeup.
12. Introduction of class theme, and review at the end for the parents!
13. Money back guarantee
14. Free trial classes
15. Video brochure
16. Encourage free tour and class placement
17. Referral payment $ 10.00
18. Makeup reminder cards
19. Unlimited make-ups in spring and summer
20. Dress code reminder cards
21. Parent handbook, so they understand the policies
22. Post class interaction with new Mom
23. Eyes taped to forehead first day-must look enthusiastic
24. Start on time, and finish on time
25. Joiner call-ask Mom how the child liked the class and review main policies
26. "Glad you could join us" postcard
27. I spend $ 300 for magazines for the parents (watch your image, suggestions-Christian, Parenting, Parents, Baby, Cat Fancy, Sports Illustrated, ESPN)
28. "Missed you" phone call
29. Bounce back coupon-ask them to return and give them an incentive
30. Appreciation coupon
31. Birthday card
32. Daily postcards
33. Postcard when ring the bell
34. Birthday bulletin board
35. Lesson plan logic bulletin board
36. Staff photos and bio bulletin board
37. Anniversary with gym card
38. Call if ice bag ,ries, having troubles
39. No hassle refunds
40. Graduation certificate
41. Preschool parent exchange
42. Holiday cards in mail
43. Thank you notes
44. Get well cards
45. Offer babysitting for siblings during parent and tot classes
46. Mom and tot class videos for christmas
47. PapaBear night-a special open gym just for the kids and the Dads
48. Mothers' Day appreciation week
49. Speakers at your gym (Policeman, fireman, nutritionist)
50. Photos you take in class-mail to them
51. Business card bulletin board for members only
52. $ 5.00 off appreciation coupon / 20 per month
53. List of mothers and children's names to classes
54. Use their names!
55. Notice new hair-do, nice outfit, new car
56. Send baby cards, sympathy, thinking of you
57. Under promise and over deliver
58. Backs and cushions on bleachers
59. Clean bathrooms with diaper changing table, extra toilet paper, tampon container
60. Air fresheners through the gym
• What gets measured gets done. Ask how you're doing in person and in surveys.
• Disney says, "Wrap an experience around a service transaction."
• Think relationships!