Call center workers across the world enjoy the one of a kind taste of accomplishment. Millions of people are employed in this industry because of the blissful way in lifting the career opportunity. Yuppie workers especially Filipinos believed that working in a call center are more than just a career.
The picture of the Philippine economy is never before before when the outsourcing industry came in. It was an open book that the country is struggling against millions of people who are unemployed. The unemployment and unemployment rate was the battle cry of the Filipino especially that poverty led the cause-oriented and militant groups to dramatize their concerns by staging a street protest.
Militant groups underscored their outline to the government to consider their sentiment by urging the Senate and the House of Representatives to pass a law that will add 125 pesos to the previous 198 pesos in terms of the daily minimum wage. In Metro Manila, the existing minimum wage is 360 pesos a day.
On the other hand, workers in the Visayas and Mindanao set by the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) are receiving a minimum wage of 209 pesos every day. The setting up of a competitive salary hike to every Filipino worker is a long demand since the previous governance.
But the entry of contact centers and the BPO (business process outsourcing) companies in the Philippines save the Filipino workers from receiving poor pay and benefits. This is a magnificent development today because yuppie and fresh graduations are welcomed to work in any of the call center in the Philippines. And also, the starting pay is bigger with night differential, overtime pay, responsibilities, and fringe benefits.
For the past years, Filipino contact center workers provided their skills and competency in understanding the concerns of their customers as far as the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. The opportunity continues to receive positive feedback in every client that caters by the call center workers.
Aside of the attractive pay, BPO workers receive discounts in shopping malls, spa, disco bar, restaurants, and even travel opportunity to any of their favorite destinations. This is true because contact centers usually usually tie up in different kinds of establishments which is part of helping their employees enjoy the lifestyle. In addition, facilities like fitness gym, entertainment area, sleeping quarters, and spa are also offered by some major call center companies.
Imagine the joy and excitement in boosting your lifestyle. This is the reason why Filipino workers want to build their promising career in call centers. Hundreds of seats are offered by these outsourcing companies in response to the increasing demand of the customer relationship management.
Filipinos should be proud that off-shoring business continues to receive wonderful feedback from the international investors. To date, thousands of Filipinos are engaged in this job and continue to dominate in the global market. The expanded services like outbound and inbound, chat support, web content writing, and other jobs related to BPO jobs can be handled by Filipino workers with no hassle.