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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Encourage Bible Verses - Inspirational Bible Verses

Without regard to age, sex, moral beliefs or cultural background, life can present many struggles. If you're looking for encouraging and inspirational ways to contend with the trials, tribulations and stress of daily life, the words of the Wonderful Counselor found in bible versa are your greatest option.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 states, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. God can instill the promise of this encouraging bible verse into your heart.

This year has seen great economic and other challenges for businesses and individuals alike. As you ponder the possibilities and uncertainties in the coming year, what is it that seems almost unaciviable in your life? Is there something that God has called you to do that looks well beyond your ability to achieve? You may have trouble understanding how a problem, concern or situation can work out, but the lord certainly does. He bears total responsibility for your needs when you obey Him. Answers to the struggles of life are all found in bible versa.

Psalm 16:11 reads, "You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever." The Lord will show you what to do and instruct you how to live daily life at its very best. Your responsibility is to stay focused on His will. But how do we stay obedient to God so we can fully experience His faithfulness?

Here are six thoughts to consider:

1) Seek God's counseling. Living a godly life does not come easily or naturally to any of us. Neither does trusting and submitting to the Father's will. Yet he will teach us how to follow Him and live a life that is auspicious to Him. God will also show us that we can always have faith in His faultless character. You can find the answers to any life questions in encouraging bible versa. You pick the topic. It could be desiring a life filled with abundance and prosperity, for example.

2) Be aware and listen to God. Giving attention to how the Lord is directing you is essential to walking with Him and remaining in the center of his will. If you never discover how to hear His voice, you will never be able to trust Him fully or grow as a result of what He is doing in your life. Daily, get in the habit of reading encouraging bible versa and daily devotions.

3) Observe God's help and provision. Sometimes the Lord will be specific about what desires for you to do or what He will achieve in your life. This is because the more challenging the path before you, the more He will have to help you. God wants you to have faith and depend upon Him. So look for the small ways He answers your prayers, the doors He opens and the ways He meets your needs step by step. Praise His intimate involvement in every detail of your daily living.

4) Focus on God's character, not on your circumferences.This is essential to the trials you face. Do not dwell on the problems. Focus on His promises. Knowing that God will never forsake you will help you face every obstacle with hope and persistence.

5) Recall God's victories. Psalm 63: 7-8 reads, "Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings. My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me." It's important to remember all the ways the Lord has helped you so you can remain confident and courageous in the face of every obstacle.

6) Cultivate a godlike life by meditating on encouraging bible versa. God wants you to be successful, which is why He always admonishes you to cling to His word. In the Bible, you'll find the unchanging principles to help you live in a manner that is auspicious and honoring to Him. So read encouraging and inspirational bible versa with joy, knowing that all He has done for His people in the past, He will do for you too when you trust Him and obey His commands.

Without question God is absolutely faithful in keeping His promises. So as you are confronted by difficult situations in the coming year, commit yourself to seeking Him, observing His commands, watching for his help, maintaining your focus on Him, recalling his faithfulness, and embracing his word found in bible versa. Your Divine Father wants the very best for you, and He will never lead you astray. So focus on His will, and you will experience living at its very fullest.

Automotive Restoration: A Frame-Off Body Repair of a 1960 Ferrari

This automotive restoration project began in June 2010, with the client's sights set on showing it at Pebble Beach. This 1960 Ferrari 250 GT Pininfaria Cabriolet (PF Cab) had been in storage for 30 years in Arizona before being purchased by the current owner. Ferraris during this time were hand built by Italian coach makers and the engines were also hand-built by Ferrari. The 250 GT series was built for the customer that wanted a street legal car that he could also take to the race track. Of course not everyone raced their Ferraris, some customers just wanted the awesome power and beautiful styling of the 250 GT. Pininfarina is still operating and still makes concept and prototype cars for major companies around the globe.

After the Ferrari 250 GT PF Cab was disassembled and media blasted, I set about repairing and reconstructing the body to its original factory state.

This client was particularly concerned about getting the rebuild perfectly symmetrical. I had an idea, born from my experience working in the prototype industry: to build a box with a measuring system to aid the build of the vehicle. The photos below are a brief taste of posts to follow.

The first part of this post covers a measuring device we designed and built specially for this Ferrari PF Cab and the second part explains how it was used to rebuild the tail light area.

The objective of the measuring box is to figure out if a car body was built square to the chassis and is symmetrical from side to side. Before delving into measuring the body, remember that this was a Ferrari hand built body from the 1960′s, so tight tolerances are not expected. The idea is that the Ferrari PF Cab body and chassis sit on a center line inside a 3-dimensional steel framed box. The perimeter of the box acts as a measuring datum so that measurements from the box to the Ferrari PF Cab can be taken on the left and right hand sides and then compared to check symmetry.

The 3-dimensional box is divided into 3 planes representing length, depth, and height. On each axis is 1/2″ machined holes spaced 200mm apart, these holes are locations for the measuring stations. A line runs down the center of the box and the center of the chassis is aligned with a custom stand to the body. The center line only runs length ways, as the body is only symmetrical in one direction. The body is divided into a grid, with the aid of a laser, and numbered to aid recording.

These were the findings of major significance for this Ferrari PF Cab:

1. the front right-hand headlight housing is 10mm further forward than the left-hand headlight

2. the body style line is 6mm higher on the right-hand side than the left-hand

3. the complete rear end of the car is kicked over to the right hand side 50mm from the rear of the doors to the back of the Ferrari. Not from accident/damage, just how the car was built.

4. the left-hand rear tail light housing peak leans inwards 8mm

After discussing the above findings with the client, the first issues to address was the left-hand tail light problem. Now we will show the step by step rebuild and fabrication of the light housing. Why rebuild this area? On first sight the sheet metal housing clearly looked as though the top was angled inwards and second, the housing was too big for the light bezel, which formed the appearance of a step. To be correct in appearance, the surface of the bezel should be level with the surface of the paint. As part of the 'measuring box' process, we recorded results showing the top of the housing was 5mm to the right of center. To fix these two problems it was most practical and cost efficient to make a completely new housing and then graft it into the fender.


1. Slice away the original taillight housing from the car body.

2. Make a pattern off the original and cut a fresh piece of sheet metal to match.

3. Shape the new piece, using the old piece and the actual tail light until it fits perfectly.

4. TIG weld the new sections together.

5. Offer it up the car body, again adjusting until it fits perfectly. Cleco into place.

6. Check bottom, top, and sides against the measuring box for perfect squareness and symmetry.

7. TIG weld the new housing onto the Ferrari body.

8. Metal finish and then you are ready for paint!

Check my website for step-by-step photos of the measuring box and this process.

Bacon Gifts

Tired of presenting the same sort of gifts to your friends every day? Want to get the fun quotient back into your gifts? How about going in for gag gifts this time! The in thing in the gift segment now a days is the Bacon gag gifts. Now bacon might taste good but it is definitely not good to look at. A gift that looks like bacon would definitely make him / her feel a little awkward and if this is for your boyfriend then he may think of giving a second thought about you (oops!). Bacon gifts come in various shapes and sizes. For example you may get bacon wallet, bacon air freshener, bacon breath mints and so on. These bacon gifts are not very expensive and spending a little money for fun sake is not a bad idea. A bacon wallet peeping out from your pocket would catch attention of others and you never know some greedy person may try to take it out too to have a bite of it. The uniqueness of the bacon gag gifts is gaining popularity and people who run short of ideas for gifts that may be liked by the receiver, find these bacon gag gifts a good option. Imagine the expression on your friends face on unpacking his gift and finding a bacon glove inside! These gag gifts will be remembered by everyone for long time and whenever he / she will think about it, a smile would definitely come on his / her face.

Bacon on the wallet that you own is sure enough to make your friends drool over you (it). The bacon design on your wallet looks so real that sometimes people pick up a tissue in order to wipe the bacon off. If you are wearing a bacon finger, your friends would find ways not to shake hands with you. Just think of the situation when your husband requests for some more bacon and you serve him with a fake one and just watch him trying to cut and chew this.

Gone are the days when weave gifts on special occasions only. Today you like to present gifts to your near and dear ones even when there is no special occasion. Buying expensive gifts on each occasion is not possible for everyone and after some time you end up giving the same types of gifts every time. It would be either clothes, or belts, or wallets, rings or something like that only. This results into making the buying of gift a painful thing as you can not decide what you should give that you have not given before and which would be interesting too. Here come the unique bacon gifts which are interesting and at the same time these are not very heavy on your wallet too (what an idea to keep both of you happy!). You may find plenty of such funny gift ideas on the internet. It is just a click away from you.

How To Adjust Car Mirrors To Avoid Blindspots

Rear view mirrors are an indispensable accessory when driving any motor vehicle and since their use in all cars, there is no standard way of adjusting them. Most drivers adjust the rearview mirror to encompass the rear window of the car and this is generally an acceptable way of doing so. Some drivers though will bias the side-to-side angle of the rearview mirror so that a very small portion of the rear windshield trim is visible. In the case of left-hand drive cars, this would mean that the rearview mirror would be angled slightly to the right. The majority or drivers will adjust their side-view mirrors with what we will call the narrow-angle view. This means that a fourth of the usable area of ​​the mirror will show the side of the car being driven. This is done for the left and right side-view mirrors.

There is a school of thought though that promotes the wide-angle view. The theory is that this setting will eliminate the blind spots in your view to the rear. A car coming from the rear will first be seen in the mirror mirror and as it moves past your vehicle, that particular car will instantly show up in either the left or right side-view mirror. Although it may seem like a new method, this teaching has been around since the late 60s but has not really done on because it is disconcerting for the first few times that you try it out. Here are the steps to set your mirrors to a wide-angle view.

1. Set your rear-view mirror in the normal way.
2. Lean your head all the way to the left so it Touches the driver's window. Set your left side-view mirror so you can see the back corner of your car.
3. Lean in the opposite direction at the same distance and set the right side-view mirror as in step 2.

Set this way, you will have eliminated the blind spots in your car.

There are, however, vehicles with convex mirrors installed in them that give a wider view despite being adjusted in the traditional way. This mirrors have a fault dotted line in the outer third part which is angled, thus showing a wider view to the rear. However, not all cars have this type of side-view mirror since it is more expensive to produce.

Another mirror adjustment that is used involve the side mirrors pointing at the car's blind spots on the sides. They are tilted in combination with the rear view mirror so that as soon as a car moves close enough to the rear of the car where the headlight can not be seen, the car becomes visible in the side view mirror. Basically drivers side + rear view + passenger side mirror are lined up to act like single wide angle mirror. The side mirrors are used to check the sides of the cars, not the rear.

What all these adjustment advice do not teach is that the driver must have, or develop, the situational awareness necessary to be a safe driver. You have to check your mirrors regularly and most specifically when you are making a turn or lane change so that you are aware of objects and vehicles not only in front but also behind you. No amount of adjustment or gadgetry can compensate for dumb driving habits.

5 Extravagantly Hot and Cheapest Leather Handbag Designs for You

Girl ... you do not have to break your bank this season, to get a fashionably hot handbag.

Oh yes. Let me tell you about some of the cheapest, posh looking leather handbags. Let me get you luxurious embroidery and opulent metal designs, all for a surprisingly tiny fraction of your rent. These bags will just sprinkle so much zest to your sparkle.

You obviously love to strut the fashion streets with catwalk fodder. Yes, with that glamorous leather handbag, with a real stylish hype. You love being appreciated for your hot style, and stunningly good taste. You want to make a bold-fashion-girl statement about your tremendously lavish lifestyle.

Girl, know this ... immensely popular leather handbags exude a unique sense of elegance, class and sophistication. If you carry an exclusive and unique leather handbag, then you will surely feel great. In today's fashion world, appearances matter. Whether you're on a date, attending a party, or shopping, people notice your handbag, and they notice you.

A luxuriously hot leather handbag on you, would never look out of fashion. So let's get you started on that perfect look which helps you create a great impression from people around. And let's do this at an ...

Extravagantly cheap cost.

YES. Let's talk about the 5 easy tricks to get an elegant, and affordable leather handbag. Just remember, as we consider each aspect of how you choose your opulent handbag, let's also try to find these hot qualities in the cheapest bags available.

I have provided examples of great-looking, cheap handbags with each key feature.

  1. Pick Butter-Soft Leather on Handbags.
Girl, do not eat beans on toast for a whole month, just to afford the best quality leather handbag. You can go for a Sleazy Jane fashionista leather handbag. Sleazy Jane handbags are drum dyed and dry-milled to give the softest, leathery butter feel. They can set you back a nifty £ 299 pounds.

You could also try the Channel Classic Flap Bag Double in large black super soft buttery caviar leather. It will only set you back USD55. You can also go for the Tory Burch Fleming convertible shoulder bag black color, which will pull USD229 out of your pocket.

For an even cheaper soft-buttery leather, go for the immensely popular, super-cute YBYT Vintage Leather Handbag at just USD30. Imagine, it comes with immaculate straight stitching, rich genuine leather, and a perfect strap length for that petite-chic look.

  1. Choose Ruches and Gold Opulent Metal Designs.
You can still get the delicious golden plums, metallic designs. You can get the "It-Bags" for supermodels and celebutantes, with your working girl pocket-size. You will just love to have these opulent leather handbags, and still want the world to keep thinking they cost you a fortune.

You can go for the Emillie M. Jenna Satchel Shoulder Bag at USD304, it comes with fancy detachable shoulder straps and more than 5 pockets for storing accessories. It has delightfully crafted platinum colored rich buckles and pin straps.

And you could also kill fashion with an iced coffee Jenna Kator Corktown handbag, which will set you back a mere USD263. It has exquisite metal buckles and pins of artful design on its soft leather straps and pocket sides.

You must aim to get luxurious leather handbags that have - the reworked links on the handles, the artful clasp, the soft-sided capacitive light, and the elegant simplicity of the handheld style.

  1. Select Sophisticated Luxurious Leather Handbag Italian Looks.
Get the most clandestine leather handbag accessory. Make a unique out statement of your status, fashion savvy and your learning power, all with a tiny fraction of what it would normally cost. Try to get the expensive Italian leather looks, durable and fancy.

You could snatch stares with a Mango Flap chain bag, with soft luxurious cream looks and a golden chain to fit your pockets at USD70. If you have to lug around a laptop, go for the Everlane The Twill Zip Tote at USD48.

  1. Get Extremely Handy Yet Funky and Stylish Designs.
Do not let your leather handbag be a way of carrying things around. Let it be instantly revealing, of your glamorous status. Get a combination of functionality and luxury.

Carry money, credit cards, keys, and lip gloss. Let your leather handbag be a sign of independence and stature. Girl, you have your own cash and bank accounts, and keys to your own property and car - and you want the world to know it.

Go for the hot Messenger Bag perfectly suited to keep your hands free, while always having your books, tablets and other college items in the bag. This bag will give you a smooth college-chic look, goes well with blue jeans and canvas shoes.

It will set your college pocket back by merely USD99. It has pre-cut and pre-punched leather to go with two external side pockets and is a must have on-the-go item.

You could also rock with a Vasantha Kokila Geometric Folding Bag at about USD37, with ten great metal locks, which you can adjusted to just the right size to fit your specific dress and occasion. It will definitely make you feel different, and is an attention go-getter!

  1. Buy the Panache and Style in flaunting Leather Handbags.
Try to go for Leather handbags with a unique sensation. Your handbag is a multi-tasking device that combines the virtues of practicality and utility: along with showing off your personal taste, it suggests a certain economic prosperity.

Did you know you can dress in a cheap-looking black trouser suit and grubby faded pink plimsolls crossing the street, and yet look divine because of your choice of leather handbag?

Now get flaunt fabulous with a Faith Nicole solid Black leather handbag that silently screams "I've got it." It will set you back a mere USD41 and comes in mini-cross body style.

You could also go for the fab look JIARULO Leather Cross Body Bag at a mere USD26.

In conclusion.

Try to get reputed luxurious leather handbags that do not cost you a fortune. The idea, is to get your favorite designer trends without burning a hole in your pocket. Take a look at your budget, go online and choose stores that sell designer bags within your budget.

Go for traders who have a reputation for selling authentic and original designs at the cheapest price. And I guarantee you, with this approach, you can get a classic designer leather handbag at unbelievable prices. Go looking hot girl!

If Car Air Conditioning Quits in the Summer, Time For Mobile Mechanics

We should all admit we have a dependence on our air conditioning when the hot weather arrives. In Melbourne, the high summer months can see temperatures nears highs of 40 degrees C and lows of 24 degrees C which puts a strain on both bodies and the vehicle air conditioning system. Your body has to work hard at staying cool while your air conditioner pumps refrigerant trying to maintain a decent interior temperature.

No one likes doing without air conditioning, but the units need lots of tender loving care on a regular basis in order to continue functioning efficiently through the strain of hot days. Waiting until the unit breaks is not a good plan, especially when you can have a mobile mechanic do on-site maintenance including the following.

* Insure refrigerant is not leaking

* Clean condenser to prevent air flow problems

* Recharge car air conditioning system

* Insure air conditioning lines and vents are not clogged

Of course, autos and trucks air conditioning units can be perverse at times and break down despite following a careful maintenance plan. When the car air conditioning quits in the summer, it looks like the most important repair on the face of the earth. Driving to work, traveling on holiday, or delivering the kids to school, while sweating profusely the entire time, is no fun. In fact, it can be downright miserable.

Shaken Not Stirred ... Cold Not Cool

In the James Bond movies, the secret agent always ordered his martinis "shaken not stirred". When it comes to air conditioners, the order to the mobile car care service is going to be "cold not cool". In other words, you can have a charged air conditioning system that still refuses to blow cold. When its 40oC outside, cool is just not going to suffice. You want cold!

There are many different kinds of air conditioning repairs mobile care mechanics can complete on-site including at work, home, at family's house, or wherever it is convenient. These repairs include the following for example.

* Cooling fan that has quit working

* Air in the refrigerant

* Blocked condenser

* Broken compressor

* Broken pressure switches

* Corrosion

* Hole in lines

* Electrical problems

These are just a few of the types of automated air conditioning repairs that might be necessary, and a certified technician can complete any of them where your car is parked. You can schedule a repair at your convenience and your choice of location. The services are available for both personal and fleet purposes.

Hot Winds and Cold Temperatures

When the hot northerly winds blow into Melbourne, the temperature rises. Car air conditioning has to work longer and harder than usual, and it's nice to know your unit is as prepared for the summer months as possible. Mobile air conditioning service can provide the preventive maintenance needed. But even if the air condition quits, the on-site services are comprehensive and can turn your cool air back into cold.

It's aggravating when air conditioning does not work correctly because it goes without saying it will be during a time when you need it most. You do not have to drive around in a hot car wondering when you'll have time to give up your car for a day while the air conditioning is getting fixed ... not when mobile air conditioning service is available.

Conquer Your Mind With Positive Thinking: Free Yourself From Depression, Worry, Anxiety, And Fear

Negative thoughts reduce energy in you and make you to lose focus The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become. Likewise, a small positive thought can have the same effect blossoming into a beautiful outcome. Negative thoughts should be avoided at all cost. When we start to have negative thoughts, it's hard to stop them. And it's much easier said than done to shift your focus to positive thoughts. But it's the only way, especially if you want to avoid going down a path that is painful and unnecessary.

Please find below what I did that help me overcome my negative thoughts

I Exercise for at least 5 minutes early in the morning everyday

Any form of exercise is OK. It took my focus away from my thoughts and brought my attention to my breath. Exercise is very relaxing, which helped ease my mind. You could also practice Yoga. Yoga is one of the best exercises that get rid of negative thoughts in your mind.

I surround myself with positive people and I make friends with them.

When you are feeling depressed, or various negative thoughts just fill your heart, talk to people of integrity to help you. People have a huge impact on your life. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with," says American entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn. With this in mind, you should think about the people you're spending time with the same way you think about what you eat and how you're exercising. Some people can be parasites. They suck out your happiness, energy and maybe some of your tangible resources as well. Some people will even help you to instinct negative thinking into your mind, so be very careful whom you associate yourself with. Who are good people by the way,

They are people that will inspire you to be a better person, provide you with motivation to achieve your goals, empower you to make the changes you need to succeed and cheer on your success.

In the workplace, good people tend to be productive people. They're organized, create schedules they stick to and don't get easily distracted from the end goal. And all this help you be more productive!

I Smile regularly

Smile regularly preferable every day. Smile prevents negative thoughts, improves your mood, helps reduce stress, and makes you more appropriate.

I change the tone of my thoughts from negative to positive.

For example, instead of thinking negative, I think positive. Always allow positive thinking to occupy your mind. Believe that God, our creator is always there for you, so why thinking negative. "We will face some challenges in our living situation, but we will come up with solutions that we will both be happy with."

I help people in need and in most cases solve their problems. Helping someone will help in removing negative thoughts from your mind, take the focus away from you and do something nice for another person. I decided to make a tray of food and donate it to the Salvation Army. It took my mind off of things and I felt better for helping someone else.

Remember that no one is perfect and let yourself move forward.

It's easy to dwell on your mistakes. I felt terrible that I acted this way and that I wasted our weekend. The only thing I can do now is learn from my mistakes and move forward. I definitely don't want to have a weekend like that again.

I sing especially gospel songs

I don't remember lyrics very well and it's probably the reason that I don't enjoy singing, but every time I do sing I always feel better. When we sing, we show our feelings and this provides an amazing stress relief.

I List five things that I am grateful for right now.

Being grateful helps appreciate what you already have. Here's my list: my children, health, a four-week trip to West African Countries, a new yoga class that I'll be teaching, and for my mom's speedy recovery from illness.

I Read positive quotes.

I like to place Post-It notes with positive quotes on my computer, fridge door, and mirror as reminders to stay positive. Also, I'd like to share with you a quote by an unknown author that was shared in a meditation class that I attended:

Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Prayer Points

O Lord, allow me to promote understanding and peace, and rid me of negative thoughts, in my mind in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, let me understand that ignorance isn't bliss; allow me to be wise and steadfast

O Lord, help me see the good in life, and prevent me from thinking negative thoughts.

O Lord my Father, forgive me for my impure thoughts.

O Lord, turn me away from the darkest thoughts, that I may learn to view things in a different light.

You said to your apostles, "I give you peace, my peace I give you." Grant me peace, Lord Jesus.

O Lord, I pray to you, Lord, to let goodness reign in my heart and good thoughts in my mind.

O Lord, help me see my true calling. That I may discard the thoughts of taking my life because of all the failures I have done.

O Lord, may I learn to control my temper to avoid hurting others in what I may say or do that I could never take back.

With everything that happened in my life, I have become so bitter. I pray to learn to be free of this and live life with happiness in my heart.

I ask you, Heavenly Father, to put my thought processes in order so that faith, hope, and love will be in my main thoughts.

O Lord, help me, Lord, to think of and meditate on things that are pure, noble, true, and praiseworthy. Change my way of thinking, Father, as you mold my life into your ways.

Heal my thoughts, O Lord. Purify them, Lord Jesus.

Grant me peace of mind, so I may do your will, O God.

O Lord, free my mind of evil thoughts, and Cleanse me of negative and impure thoughts.

At times the Devil put negative thoughts into our mind.

Scripture: Isaiah 12:2 "God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior"

At times, the devil apparently does put evil thoughts in our head, or even directly incites us to do evil. According to John 13:27, Judas made a secret arrangement to betray Jesus to His enemies. When Judas went to inform them where they could find Jesus, the Bible says that "Satan entered into him". Judas did not really believe John 12:6, the Bible let us know that Jesus was the Savior sent from God to save us from our sins. In fact, the Bible further says that Judas "was a thief; as keeper of the money bag (for the disciples), he used to help himself to what was put into it" The lesson is clear: The farther we are from God, the more vulnerable we will be to Satan's attacks.

Don't be like Judas, but make certain of your commitment to Jesus Christ. If you've never done so, turn to Him and by faith ask Him to come into your heart and life. Then ask Him to fill your mind with His truth and His Spirit every day. The Bible says in James 4:7 "Submit yourself, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you"

Not all evil thoughts come directly from Satan, however. Often they come from within - from our own sinful hearts. When they do, ask God to cleanse your mind and fill it with Christ.

Prayer points

I decree and I declare that all negative thoughts from the Devil in my mind is removed right now by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

By the power in the blood or Jesus Christ, I bind and rebuke any demon that will try, have tried and succeeded to disturb our peace o mind by polluting mind our soul and body in the name of Jesus Christ.

I command you Evil and Misfortune to live me a lone so that I can get rid of any type of hardship caused by you, nature and circumstances which includes financial hardships, emotional battles, spiritual burdens, frustrations caused by you right now in Jesus name.

O Lord, my Father, I ask for healing, abundance of blessings and miracles to reinstate what I have lost, I regain confidence in God and His people and I live peacefully without the fear of people's evil thoughts, words, deeds and even bad spirits in the name of Jesus Christ.

I bind and rebuke any evil and misfortune that would try to come against my prayer for the goodness of my soul, sound finances, great health, and peaceful living in Jesus name.

I pray and command that anyone or any spirit who causes trouble will never come back to hurt me, to take anything from me, never come back to my life as thieves, blasphemer, and nature's wrath in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord my Father, help me to renew my life for your glory and salvation of my soul. Help me to forgive and forget all the evil done against me in Jesus Name.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim the richness of life here on earth as well as in heaven.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim, peace, contentment and true happiness from within.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim, freedom from fear the of the unknown.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim complete confidence and dependence on God. I will be triumphant in life without the evil works, thoughts and doings.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim that I will all live with the abundance of God's provisions and promises as wealthy children of God who inherited His choicest blessings and the salvation of souls.

O Lord, I claim and proclaim that I am accepting Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior and through baptism I became son/daughter of the Father.

I thank You, Heavenly Father for Your Love. I thank You, Holy Spirit for empowering me to be aggressive against Satan and evil spirits. I thank You, Jesus, for setting me free. I thank You, Mary, for interceding for us with the holy angels and the saints.

O Lord Jesus, fill me with charity, compassion, faith, gentleness, hope, security, humility, joy, kindness, light, love, mercy, modesty, patience, peace, purity, tranquility, trust, truth, understanding, and wisdom. Help me to walk in Your Light and Truth, illuminated by the Holy Spirit so that together I may praise, honor, and glorify Our Father in time and in eternity. For You, Lord Jesus, are, "... the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6 ), and You "... have come that I might have life and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 ).

How can your brain stay positive? The following exercises will help.

Be thankful every time, show gratitude,

"Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. When you wake up each morning, make it a habit to write down at least three things you're grateful for. It can be anything from family and work to a good night's rest or the morning sunrise - whatever is positive in your life deserves a little thank you note from your soul. If it's difficult to think of something right away, realize that something JUST happened that you can be grateful for... you woke up today. Not everyone gets that opportunity.

Balance your mind with many activities

You can find balance in many activities, such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, walking in nature or any other activity that puts your mind at rest. When you the mind ceases, the soul is allowed to speak. The calming energy produced from a good centering exercise surrounds the body, bringing about an unshakable spirit that will surely help you stay positive.

How to Free Yourself from Anger

a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Anger is often nothing more than an intense emotion caused by an apparent injustice. The destructive outcomes of anger are well known. When even a slight annoyance arises, it is capable of growing quickly and overwhelming your state of mind.

Anger results in (1) a loss of perspective and judgment, (2) impulsive and irrational behavior that is destructive to both yourself and others, and (3) loss of face, compassion, and social credibility.

Anger is often pointless, as the following Buddhist parable will illustrate.

In the New Testament, Ephesians 4:26-27 advise, "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."

Free yourself from anger

There is no benefit to anger at all. All anger can beget is negative energy, which can aggravate an already volatile situation. Anger can also impede sound judgement and inhibit your ability to consider the negative consequences of your abrupt reactions.

The next time you're angry, consider the following response:

Stop. Don't respond immediately. Walk away from the situation that has instigated your anger.

Breathe deeply. Become fully aware of your state of mind. Assess what's going on.

Calm down and compose yourself. Invoke mindfulness to appeal to your wisdom. Anger and other emotional arousals often stem from a lack of self-awareness or mindlessness, and can simmer down if you just wait long enough.

Consider the matter from other points of view. Ask if there could be other possible explanations for what happened.

Identify the reasons for your anger by asking three questions:

a. "Is this matter serious enough to get worked up about?"

b. "Is my anger necessary and warranted?"

c. "Will getting angry make a difference?"

Reflect about what response will be most effective. Try to develop a wise and measured course of action.

Idea for Impact: A low-anger life is a happier life

Patience is the definitive antidote to anger and aggression. With patience, you may not always be able to eliminate anger, but you can usually control it. Patience can build and fortify your intellectual and psychological resources.

As Proverbs 19:11 tells in the Hebrew Bible, "A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense." Ultimately, developing greater patience enhances your romantic, personal, professional, and casual relationships-as well as that all-important relationship: the one you have with yourself.

How to free yourself from worry

Worry pollute your mind and it can never be positive, But in the last decade I have found several habits that have helped me to greatly decrease my worrying and to more easily handle such thoughts when they pop up.

1. Most of things you worry about have never happened.

I love this quote by Winston Churchill:

"When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened."

I have found it to be very true in my own life.

So when you feel worries starting to pop up ask yourself this:

How many of the things I feared would happen in my life did actually happen?

If you are anything like me then the answer will be: very few. And the very few ones that actually happened were mostly not as painful or terrible as I had expected.

Worries are most often just monsters you build in your own mind.

I find that asking myself this question regularly and reminding myself of how little of the worries that actually came to life makes easier and easier to stay calm and to stop a worried thought before it becomes a big snowball of negativity.

2. Avoid fears. Be bold, don't be afraid of anything. Believe in God at all times. When fears feel vague in your mind, when you lack clarity then it is very easy to get lost in exaggerated worries and disaster scenarios.

So find clarity in a worry-inducing situation by asking yourself:

Honestly and realistically, what is the worst that could happen?

When I have answered that question then I follow it up with spending a bit of time on figuring out what I can do about it if that pretty unlikely thing happens.

In my experience, the worst that could realistically happens is usually not as scary as what my mind could make up when it is running wild with vague fears.

Spending a few minutes on finding clarity in this way can save you whole lot of time, energy and suffering.

3. Don't try to guess what is on someone's mind.

Trying to read someone's mind usually doesn't work too well at all. Instead, it can very easily lead to creating an exaggerated and even disastrous scenario in your mind.Communicate and ask what you want to ask. By doing so you'll promote openness in your relationship and it will likely be happier as you avoid many unnecessary conflicts and negativity.

4. In a situation you cannot think straight, say stop, don't say anything

From time to time when I am hungry or when I am lying in bed and are about to go to sleep I can become mentally vulnerable. And so worries can more easily start buzzing around in my head.

5. Remember, people don't think about you and what you do as much as you may think. They have their hands full with thinking about what other people think of them. And with thinking about what is closest to their hearts like their children, pets, a partner or the job or school. So don't get lost in worries about what people may think or say if you do something. Don't let such thoughts hold you back in life.

6. Work out.

Few things work so well and consistently as working out to release inner tensions and to move out of a headspace that is extra vulnerable to worries. I also find that working out - especially with free weights - makes me feel more decisive and focused.

7. Share your worry with someone close to you. This is one of my favorites. Because it tends to work so well. By letting someone close to you know about your worry, it becomes a whole lot easier to see the situation or issue for what it really is.

Just venting for a few minutes can make a big difference and after a while you may start to wonder what you were so worried about in the first place.

If you do not have anyone to talk to at the moment about the worry bouncing around in your mind then let it out by writing about it. Just getting it out of your head and reasoning about with yourself either on paper or in a journal on your computer can help you to calm down and find clarity.

8. Spend more time in the present moment.

When you spend too much time reliving the past in your mind then it easy to start feeding your worries about the future. When you spend too much time in the future then is also easy to get swept away by disaster scenarios.So focus on spending more of your time and attention in the present moment.

9. Refocus on the small step you can take to move forward.

To move out the worried headspace I find it really, really helpful to just start moving and taking action to start solving or improving whatever I am concerned about.

Prayer Points

Father, I thank you so much for delivering me from the activities of the kingdom of darkness

Because, Jesus Christ has set me from the law of sin and death I commit to live free from worry in the name of Jesus,

I humble myself under your mighty hand that in due time you may exalt me.

I cast away from myself, my husband, my wife and children, - all my anxieties, all my worries, all my concerns - once and for all in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, take wrong thoughts captive, because you care for me affectionately and care about me watchfully. You sustain me. You will never allow the consistently righteous to be moved - made to slip, fall, or fail!

O Lord, I cast down imaginations (reasoning's) and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of you, and I bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

O Lord, I lay aside every weight and the sin of worry. I run with patience the race that is set before me, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith.

O Lord, help me fix my mind on those things that are true. I thank You Father, that You are able to keep that which I have committed unto You. I thank you for fixing my mind on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, or good report, virtuous, and deserving of praise. I will not let my heart be troubled.

I abide in Your Word, and Your Word abides in me. Therefore, Father, I do not forget what manner of person I am. I look into the perfect law of liberty and continue therein, being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the Word and, thus, blessed in my doing!