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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Boost Your Guitar Teaching Skills By Avoiding These Mistakes

When thinking about getting started teaching guitar, can you relate to any of the following?

  • You get nervous imagining a situation when your students may ask you a question that you do not know the answer to.
  • You are not always sure how to teach guitar effectively to all types of guitar students.
  • You have no idea how to measure your progress as a guitar instructor.
  • You simply do not know the steps you must take to get started teaching music.

Every guitar teacher who is just starting out goes through these same thoughts and struggles. This also happens to guitar teachers who have been teaching for a while if they have never taken action to find a mentor to show them where they are going wrong in their guitar teaching methods. Most of these, guitar teachers have been teaching for years using a trial and error approach, or by seeking the advice of other guitar teachers who have only experienced small success.

Here are 11 common guitar teaching mistakes that less experienced teachers make. If you can stay away from these, you will be well on your way to becoming a highly successful guitar teacher.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number One: Not having any kind of strategy for helping your guitar students achieve their goals.

Many guitar teachers merely 'react' whenever a student poses a question or expresses interest in learning something new. This means that the guitar teacher does not have any plan for what is to be taught until the day of the lesson (when the student arrives). The mistake here is that the teacher is focusing too much on solving the student's problem in the present, and in the process the student's longer term goals and desires became ignored.

On the other hand, some guitar teachers will especially 'over plan' their guitar lessons. These people will start with an idea of ​​how they think they should teach guitar lessons, and will continue teaching that way to all of their students. This approach will fail also because it does not treat each individual guitar student as a unique person with unique needs. Not everyone learns the same way, so teaching guitar to students without being flexible with your overall guitar teaching style will not bring good results.

In order to get the best results for your guitar students you must take a balanced approach between both extremes.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Two: Not working to combine a student's 'wants' with his or her 'needs'.

The misunderstanding that most guitar instructors have is thinking that that they must either teach 'only' the things their students 'want' to learn or force their students to practice only what they 'need' to know. By teaching guitar students only what they 'want' in the moment, you can expect very little success in your guitar teaching business. Teaching guitar students what they really 'need' is a much better approach. However, in order to be an effective guitar teacher, you will need to balance out both approaches. This will help your students to not only enjoy playing guitar in the moment, but also continue to make progress towards reaching their musical goals.

The greatest guitar teaching approach is to focus on the students' goals, while also showing him / her that what they 'need' is the same as what they 'want'. You must consistently keep track of their goals, and then show them what they must do to achieve those goals (while also explaining how these things work together). By doing this, you will help your guitar students gain motivation because they understand that they will be enjoying them through the learning process. This will help your students stay on track and reach their goals.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Three: Not helping your guitar students apply new guitar ideas.

One of the easiest ways to find out if a guitar teacher is doing a good job teaching is to look at his / her students. For the most part, you will see that people have guitar students that have learned a decent amount of 'stuff' on guitar. Unfortunately, after a closer look you will notice that these students do not actually know how to use any of this information to make great music on guitar. This is the result of a very common misunderstanding that guitar teachers make.

It is very common to see a guitar teacher who spends a lot of time showing new things to students rather than helping them to apply what they have already learned. In the end, this produces guitar students who can tell you about a bunch of guitar stuff, but in reality can not do very much with this information.

Sometimes you will get students who ask you to show them new things on guitar. However, do not feel rushed to be continuously providing new information for them. It is best to make sure that they know how to apply what they have already learned, so that they can use it in real music.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Four: Not understanding how to work around or fix a guitar student's playing mistakes.

If teaching guitar to students were as easy as plugging in the right answer to an equation, there would be little work for guitar teachers to do. In reality, your guitar students are 'human' and can not be programmed so easily. While teaching guitar lessons, you will encounter times when your guitar students are distracted, disinterested, or are simply in the mood to play something different. In addition, some students do not always want to play everything to perfection. The mistake that teachers make is to "let it slide" too much. In other words, they allow bad habits to build up for the sake of not being too strict. Many times this results not only in sloppy guitar playing, but could also possibly lead to injury!

On the other hand, some teachers are overly strict with their guitar students while fixing bad habits. Unfortunately, this can be a problem as well because most guitar players are not willing to take constant corrections on every little detail. As a result, such guitar teachers cause their students to feel discouraged or unmotivated since since they are not getting the chance to enjoy playing and learning guitar.

To become a successful guitar teacher, you must understand the best approach for helping your students make progress on guitar, while also making sure to keep them motivated based on their specific needs and interests. Remember, people are not computers that you can simply insert information into. They are 'human', and often act more based on how they are feeling emotionally in the moment, rather than a strict assessment of the information you are teaching. Sometimes your students will become bored, distracted, or unmotivated. It is important to spot this as it is occurring so that you can know the best way to continue on with the guitar lesson.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Five: Not clearly communicating to your guitar students what you expect in terms of practice and effort on their part.

You will have some guitar students who will give you 110% when it comes to practicing at home and putting out consistent effort to become a better guitarist. However, the majority of your guitar students will not give you nearly as much effort. The reason this happens so often with most guitar teachers is because the teacher does not set any kind of standard for effort on the student's part. Because of this, the student does not have a clear idea of ​​how much practice and effort is required in order to be able to play guitar how they want.

The greatest guitar instructors will let their students know that they expect a certain amount of effort, and will help the student to understand why this works to benefit them. In addition, it is important not to have the same expectations for every one of your students. Remember that each student has his or her own unique needs as a guitar player.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Six: Teaching too many new ideas in each guitar lesson.

A lot of guitar teachers teach way too many new things to their students during their guitar lessons. These teachers feel that they must constantly be giving their students new material to work on for guitar. In reality, this approach is very counterproductive. It is vital that your guitar students learn how to USE what they know on guitar. Here is why many guitar teachers tend to 'over teach' their students:

1. The teacher is not sure of how to effectively teach their guitar students so they overcompensate by trying to continuously talk about new things.

2. They have seen other guitar teachers who use this approach and think: "If it works for them, it can work for me."

3. Some students think that constantly learning 'new things' on guitar is how they will become good players. Unfortunately, this is not true and leads to interactions between the teacher and student where the student says "I understand" when he does not really understand at all!

To become a great guitar teacher you must understand that it is more effective to help students apply what they already know, rather than overwhelming them with new learning material. In the end, this will help your guitar students learn much faster and more efficiently.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Seven: Not understanding how to approach teaching guitar when a student 'does not get it'.

New guitar teachers usually struggle when coming up with alternative ways of explaining ideas in a manner that makes sense to any of their students. Additionally, these same guitar teachers will typically try to show their guitar students new guitar concepts by using their own learning style (instead of focusing on 'the student's' learning style).

In order to best help your guitar students, it is necessary to understand if each person learns best by watching you play, by listening to you talk, or by spending more time playing guitar on their own. Once you know this, you can more effectively teach them. The best guitar teachers will create a specific strategy based around each student's learning style in order to help the student get the most out of each lesson.

After you have taught many guitar students you will get better at identifying individual learning styles. However, if you'd like to quickly learn how to do this, you should seek out the advice of an expert guitar teacher who has already shown many other teachers how to become highly successful.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Eight: Not knowing that your guitar students do not always need you to be a 'teacher'.

Although you teach guitar, this does not mean that you must always think from the mindset of a 'teacher'. The function of a teacher is to simply present and explain new information to a student. However, your guitar students will often need much more than simply someone who tells them how to play the guitar. It will not always be appropriate to teach your students new things, or to simply go over last week's exercises. Your guitar students need someone who can do much more than this.

If you want to truly help your guitar students, you must be able to both 'teach' and 'train' them. In most cases, they will require more actual training than teaching. This means that you need to put less emphasis on showing them new things to play, and focus more on walking them through the learning process. Make sure to guide them along with encouragement to motivate them as they continue to make progress. Some of your students will feel as if they are ready to move on at times. However, do not let them move on until YOU know they are ready. If you approach your guitar teaching like this with every student, you will save MASSIVE amounts of time and energy compared to the alternative of merely 'teaching' students new things.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Nine: Not paying attention to the length of time that each student comes back to take guitar lessons.

One of the biggest misunderstandings that guitar teachers have is thinking that the number of guitar students they have relates to how successful they are in their guitar teaching business. In reality, this is not a very good way to gauge your success as a guitar teacher. Which teacher do you think is having more success: A guitar teacher who has merely taught 50 students in one year (but currently only teachers 15), or a guitar teacher who has taught 50 students in a year (and has kept all 50)? After making this comparison, it should be clear that focusing to retain your guitar students is a crucial part to the success of your guitar teaching business. If you can only get your students to come back to take lessons for a couple of months at a time, you have a lot of work to do. In order to become highly successful as a guitar teacher you should have students staying with you for years at a time.

That being said, you will not keep every single guitar student for years at a time. This is because different students may have different goals that can be reached in a shorter amount of time. You must always work hard to help your students achieve their goals as quickly, and effectively as possible. However, some goals may be more vague and require more time for the student to find out what he or she really wants. In order to keep more of your students for a longer period of time, seek to understand the reasons why past students have stopped taking lessons with you. Additionally, ask your current long time guitar students why they enjoy taking lessons with you. Monitor these statistics on a consistent basis so that you can continuously improve your guitar teaching methods.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Ten: Not knowing a good way to judge how well you are doing as a guitar teacher.

The majority of guitar teachers have no reliable manner for determining if they are good at teaching guitar. Here are the main reasons why this happens:

  1. Less experienced guitar teachers often make comparisons with themselves to other local guitar teachers (who probably are not very successful either). They are judging their own skills as a teacher based on the merely mediocre teaching of the other guitar instructors who surround them.

  2. Teaching guitar generally is not up to par with other music instruction. Now you understand why classical piano teachers will typically retain students for years, while many guitar instructors struggle to keep students for more than a few months.

  3. Most guitar teachers never actually make the effort to find training to improve their guitar teaching skills. In general, they will ask other (amateur) teachers what to do, or will will simply attempt to emulate the actions of others. If these things do not work, they will resort to giving guitar lessons to their students in a 'hit or miss' manner. Unfortunately, this tenders to make guitar lessons like an 'experiment' for your guitar students. There are always times when you will be learning from your mistakes; however it is best to understand how to avoid them from the beginning.

Guitar Teacher Mistake Number Eleven: Not accepting responsibility for the quality of the guitar lessons you give.

When you teach guitar, your students are paying you with their money, time, and effort. It is important to work as hard as you can to reward them with the best guitar instruction possible. Fact is, most guitar teachers DO NOT put much effort at all to improve the quality of their guitar lessons, or work to help their guitar students achieve their goals faster. These types of teachers merely teach guitar to 'get by'. Why should a guitar student ever spend their hard earned money for guitar lessons when their teacher is not actively working to bring them the best instruction possible? You do not have to be an incredible guitar teacher before you ever get started teaching (of course); however, if you want to be able to provide the very best guitar teaching for your students, you will benefit immensely by getting trained, trained, and mentored to become the best guitar teacher you can be.

Remember, although there are many great guitar teachers out there, each and every one of those teachers were actually at the same point you are at right now. These great teachers did not become great by merely trying to copy others or taking the amateur advice of other non successful guitar teachers in their area. Most likely, they made an effort to seek out a way to improve their guitar teaching skills. These guitar teachers consistently provide the highest value for their students. As a result, these people are highly successful at teaching guitar! Do you want to become the most successful guitar teacher in your area, with lots of great students who love taking lessons with you? You have the power to make this into reality ... choose to become the best guitar teacher in your local area!

Foreclosure Refinance Program - Are You Qualified For One?

You can still qualify for any foreclosure refinance program since your bad situation. There is hope since your desperation to attain assistance.

Available Refinance And Assistance Programs

So, you have heard about the stimulus package the US Government is offering to troubled mortgage borrowers in the US. If you are in the country and you think you badly need help, hope can be yours. You can start finding out how you can qualify for any foreclosure refinance program that is being rolled out. However, the severity of your mortgage default can be a real source of your woe. You may ask yourself, 'Are you still qualified to apply for and obtain foreclosure refinance assistance?'

You certainly want to hope for the best. However, will it be logical to do so? You can now rest assured because you can still qualify for a foreclosure refinance program despite the many setbacks in your own situation. Many homeowners are not aware that they can still qualify for such assistance despite being deep into trouble. It is time to rave. This is because you can still qualify for any foreclosure refinance program despite the following.

Having A Huge Home Loan

If your mortgage has become higher than the actual and current valuation of your home, there is still no reason to despair. It is certainly not your fault that home prices fall amid a troubled housing industry. However, do not be very complacent because you can be in real trouble. Obama's stimulus packages for mortgage borrowers can be the solution to your problem. In fact, most assistance programs prioritize home loans wherein home loans have been lower than actual home valuation.

Defaulting In Loan Repayments

If you have been experiencing indefinitely delays in mortgage payments or worse if you have been defaulting in your loan payments, you can still qualify for the government's foreclosure assistance program. You need to submit documents and proofs that you are in financial distress. These can include hefty hospital bills, job termination papers, and second mortgage contracts. Having a poor credit rating is also not a reason not to qualify for such refinance programs. Do not be surprised that borrowers with bad credit standing are more prioritized.

Already In Foreclosure

Do not just wallow if your home is already in an actual foreclosure. You can be saved by the bell. Such assistance programs can be your last straw of hope in a time when it looks like help is now. Moreover, being in a foreclosure can be a more reasoning reason why the government should consider providing your needed financial assistance. Do not consider foreclosure as the end of your battle. You can actually emerge out of it. It is now time to apply for and qualify for any of the available refinance programs for you.

How Much Will It Cost to Build Your Own Social Media App?

The concept of social networking has revolutionized the world. And as technology keeps on updating itself every day, it has become tougher to sustain in the competition. App development has been on the rise like never before. More and more entrepreneurs have sprung up ever ready to launch their social web or mobile applications in the market. Among these talents those that could penetrate deeper have even become overnight billionaires.

Now the question is, what does it take to make your social networking application a hit? And how much needs to be invested to come up with products like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc.? However, before you start approaching the best mobile app development company for custom price quotes, you need to be clear on a few mandatory factors. For example, key features, customization, platform on which the app is to be built etc. Here's how you need to go about:

Identify your target audience - Who do you wish to cater to? Identify your end users and try to understand their needs. Discover the common audience's frustrations and build something that will appeal on a huge scale. For example, when teens got tired of their parents hanging out and eve's dropping on their account on Facebook, Snapchat came along that offered the much required anonymity and less public shaming with disappearing messages. Extensive market research and a few direct surveys will do the trick. However, remember it can get a bit overwhelming at times. But don't worry. You'll get through.

Consider the right platform - Do you wish to create a web app, mobile app or both? The next question will be is it for iOS or Android users? Your decision will depend on your target market preferences. However, web app requires a bit longer to get developed compared to mobile apps. Also if you are considering two app versions via. cross-platform development, it will still take more time and of course bigger budget. Android apps in a native platform contain 40% more code and take 30% more time to develop compared to iOS. Hire best app developers and other parts of North America work at about $150 per hour and those from India and Eastern Europe charge about $30-50 an hour.

User Experience is important - Your app can only be appealing if it is easy to use and pleasing to the eye. The design and usability should be self-explanatory. With innumerable apps storming the app store, people will stop using your app if it has poor UX. Ask your developer to take care of the structure - wireframing -prototype - and finally add design and usability principles. Start with a well-supported MySQL or PostgresSQL database for structured data. Facebook, Twitter etc. uses it too.

Features of your app - Basic features of the app like easy registration, users being able to add, edit and remove personal data, manage personal information and preferences, one-click invite, contact import, search bar and algorithm around hashtags and random words, selections of new users to connect with, private messaging, newsfeed, multi-language support, posting media content, tools for self-expression, geo tagging and the likes are mandatory.

Time-to-market and cost - The cost of development will definitely vary according to the complexity, platform and features of your app. However, there are two major factors that needs to be determined: hours required and hourly cost. Following are a few cost estimates listed by The Next Web:

  1. Twitter-like app: $50,000 to $250,000

  2. Instagram clone: $100,000 to $300,000

  3. WhatsApp messenger: $125,000 to $150,000

  4. Pinterest: around $120,000

  5. Snapchat: $75,000 - $150,000

  6. Vine: $125,000 and $175,000

When it comes to time, it may take around 2-4 months to build the MVP for your social media app. Most development companies normally charge around $15,000 - $20,000. That being said, here is another estimate of the time required for building a social network app:

  1. Android: 500 hours approx.

  2. iOS: 400 hours approx.

  3. Back end: 500 hours approx.

  4. UX/UI: 200 hours approx.

  5. QA: 230 hours approx.

  6. PM: 150 hours approx.

  7. Total time: 1400 hours approx. for one platform

For native application it normally requires 10 weeks for back-end and 8 weeks for the front-end development. However, not all apps require backend and use it only to cut down on the development time and related complexities.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you would want to create a demand in the market and build something totally out-of-the-box to fulfill that demand. This is probably what the next Mark Zuckerberg would do. But, plan your decisions only after active market research of your idea, its requirements and budget.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Color Purple by Alice Walker: A Short Summary

In this poignant epistolary novel that relates the story of two sisters Celie and Nettie, Alice Walker condemns racial and sexual oppression and severely criticizes the brutality that victimized the black women especially in the South. This is an extraordinary tale, painful and uncomfortable that plays out over two decades of Celie's life through her letters beginning at age 14, when she is sexually abused by her stepfather, who later removes her children.

Celie's real nightmare begins with her marriage to Albert, who rather needs a servant than a wife to take care of his four children, look after his house, and work in his fields but Celie is happy to marry him to save her younger sister Nettie from her father's clutches. However the latter constrained to leave for refusing the sexual advances of her sister's husband goes to Africa as a missionary after promising to write to Celie. With this painful separation and a complete silence from Nettie, her life worsens and Celie begins writing to God; a correspondence without any hope of reply but yet these missives save her from despair... She continues addressing to "Dear Good Lord" and relates her miserable condition, describing the nightmare of the violence and isolation but also hope, when her husband brings home his mistress Shug Avery for Celie to nurse her back to health.

This girl unlike Celie is sexy and independent and with Shug she discovers the mystery of Nettie's silence for her husband has been hiding her sister's letters in a locked trunk and finding them unlocks a new world to her. With the sensual Shug Avery, Celie familiarizes with her body, learns self-esteem and also love; realizing the full extent of the abuses suffered from her husband also gives her the strength to start a new life with Shug. Her sister's letters completely transform her when she learns that her father was not actually her biological parent and her childhood house actually belonged to her and Nettie since their mother passed away.

These letters also reveal that her sister Nettie is living with a Reverend who has adopted her two children and several decades later, when they return the sisters at last have a blissful reunion. In this excellent novel, the author uses the themes of violence and sexual abuse to a stunning effect and the development of the main character Celie, displays her transformation from an unhappy, miserable person into a happy, successful, independent woman.

Inventory Management and Dealer Forecasting in the Automotive Industry

Automotive dealers have a number of objectives to meet with respect to stock levels. These include maintaining the right level of stock inventory, minimizing stock holdings, keeping stock costs to a minimum and maximizing efficiency in stock use. A consistent ordering process reduces business pressure to meet stock levels and allows dealers and distributors to manage the exceptions to stock levels as opposed to moving from one crisis to the next.

Without an efficient forecasting process in place a dealer will simply aim to minimize stock holdings. However, if dealers are not forecasting correctly, stock levels will be incorrect. There are obvious inventory costs in holding too much stock but at the same time, too little may require emergency orders. Dealers who require such emergency orders bear not only higher costs of stock purchase but also increased freight costs. In addition, dealers have traditionally decided not to order extra stock because, in the event that the dealer is unable to move that stock within a reasonable time frame, there may be a higher cost of managing and warehousing inventory.

An efficient forecasting system assists both the distributor and dealer to reduce costs by providing a consistent, predictable and reliable basis for stock inventory. There will always be unforeseen circumstances, but these can be managed as exceptions as opposed to normal business processes.

Distributor versus dealer forecasting
A new system, pioneered and functioning well in Europe, gives distributors, rather than dealers, ultimate liability for forecasting stock requirements. By analyzing trends in stock ordering across all dealerships, the distributor is better able to forecast, taking a broad view of requirements, anticipating the expected stock requirements of dealers and advising accordingly. For example, following the release of a new vehicle model, patterns may emerge in high volume metropolitan locations. These then provide valid information on trends as the volume increases in other locations, such as in country areas. The distributor can advise or make certain components compulsory when a new dealer starts up or a new model is introduced into a new area.

Under this new system a dealer is obliged to purchase a certain level of stock because the distributor wants to ensure that a dealer has a basic set of components for a particular vehicle model that will cover most situations. Distributors understand, through trend analysis, the frequency with which components will be used and are in a position to advise dealers about the components that are to be maintained.

There has been slight, initial resistance from the dealers in the implementation of this system. The major issue has been that the distributor is basically instructing the dealer as to the stock that has to be purchased. However, as the distributor now accepts a greater risk by allowing the dealers to return unused stock within an agreed period or to increase or in some circumstances reduce quantities, resistance has been greatly reduced.

The advantage to the dealer in agreeing to those recommendations is that many dealers today would not stock all the recommended parts due to the cost of maintaining inventory and the fact that it could not be returned to the distributor if it was not used over a given time . Essentially, the dealer manages the inventory risk and their behavior reflects that risk.

Free flow of information within the network
The key to successful transaction forecasting is the free flow of information between the dealer and the distributor. Dealers provide information about their current stock levels and the demand for stock items and the distributor can understand the stock patterns that the dealer experiences. In a well functioning dealer forecasting system most of the risk of maintaining inventory is with the distributor, not the dealer.

The distributor has a broad visibility of stock levels across all dealerships and in certain circumstances it is possible to open up the visibility between all dealerships. A dealer inquire for a part can reflect both the distributor stock and the dealer network stock. Typically, a dealer will be able to see only the distributor stock and if that has been exhausted, a dealer may be allowed to view the rest of the stock. Distributors encourage dealers to buy from the distributor first, and then buy it within the network. When buying within the network the supplying dealer accepts the order and is credited from the distributor. The receiving dealer is charged for the stock from the distributor. The distributor can then monitor the demand between the two, and adjust the system for that demand later on. The distributor can then analyze whether a dealership is using more of a particular stock than expected, and can adjust the dealer's forecast accordingly.

Contingency for emergency orders
The primary goal in any stock control process is to reduce emergency order frequency. An efficient warehouse process, where dealers place more stock orders and less daily or emergency orders reduces pressure on the entire distribution and dealer network. The dealer forecasting system, together with an optional distributor buy-back strategy, goes a long way to achieving this.

Dealers are encouraged to stock a greater range of parts, based on the analysis gained from a consistent forecasting process so that they can fulfill their customer requirements efficiently and cost effectively. The distributor gains the benefit of knowing where parts are located through the dealer network and a more efficient warehousing operation.

There are some quite significant benefits to both distributors and dealers of a dealer forecasting system. Distributors and dealers in Europe that have engaged this model are experiencing significant upside to their business and are now more able to meet customer requirements as well as having a more consistent and predictable inventory process.

The free flow of information between the distributor and dealer is enhanced with a dealer forecasting system. Distributors understand the amount and frequency of all stock requirements in the system. There is an ability to move stock using both the distribution and dealer network. The dealer however has reduced risk in stock holdings and so is more likely to retain a greater variety and number of parts to satisfy customer needs.

Consistent and predictable information flow between a distributor and a dealer can be achieved through an efficient forecasting system. A distributor, having access to a broad view across all dealers, can provide in depth analysis of stock usage, inventory and future stock requirements. A distributor is then able to provide accurate advice to dealers on the type, amount and availability of stock required based on factual data.

Cost reductions through the supply chain process are realized for distributors and dealers through a more streamlined forecasting system. Facts can dictate how much stock is required across the entire dealer network and the expected usage rates by each individual dealer. Total stock inventory is reduced, availability immediately known and the ability for the distributor to deal with emergency orders is greatly enhanced. For both the distributor and dealer, inventory and warehousing costs are reduced while reduction in frequency of emergency orders results in less freight and delivery costs.

How to Format and Optimize your Branding Website

While it is true that your squeeze page is critical to generating leads, it is also important to correctly set up and optimize your branding website. What exactly should you put on your branding website? What format should you use? Following are tips from an Internet marketing guru.

Branding Website Format:

The general format and layout of your branding website should resemble the format and layout of your sales letter. This means that the header, footer, and side lines in your sales letter should be used on your branding website as well. The header, footer, and side lines are a great way to enclose text. This layout gives a clean look that is easy on the eyes and loads quickly.

The most important feature on your branding website is the Opt-In box. This is so critical that is bears repeating. The most important feature on your branding website is the Opt-In box. The Opt-In box enables website visitors to sign up for your subscriber list. The Opt-In box should be placed on the far left hand side of the branding website. This is the area where eyes tend to go first when people come across your branding website. Having a visible Opt-In box provides an easy opportunity to subscribe to your list.

Your branding website should also include information about the products and services that you offer. For example, coaching, speaking, promoting, and product information should be presented. This allows the website visitor to become familiar with you and your products / services.

Make sure to also provide two free resources. Free resources demonstrate to visitors that you are not solely out for their money, but will offer them something free in the beginning of the relationship. Free resources can be anything you choose. Common examples include free articles, e-zines, and audios.

Do not forget to have an "About You" section on your branding website. Provide your background, credentials, and even a photo. You may want to brand your face along with your products. Displaying a photo helps visitors to feel more comfortable with your products and services. They see the "face" behind the Internet business.

Also include testimonials and press releases on your branding website. Potential clients want to see your track record through testimonials. They also want to find out what your Internet business has been up to through the press releases.

Make sure that you provide contact information. Encourage website visitors to contact you if they questions or concerns. This way you are promoting an open, comfortable business relationship.

Branding Website Optimization:

Many Internet business entrepreneurs want to know how to optimize their branding site. Simple, you optimize it the same way you optimize your squeeze page. Remember, the goal is to have your squeeze page rank # 1 in the search engines, while your branding website ranks # 2. The key is to have search engine visitors see your name in the first few spots in the search engine results. This will help promote your image as the authority on that specific topic.

How Does Your Money Grow In The Stock Market?

Making money is the foundation of every investment that people engage in. There are many investment options available in the market, and the stock market is one of them. The stock market may be very risky but if done correctly, one can get great profits from it. To make the stock market a worthwhile investment, you need to have the patience, skills and the knowledge of how the business operates.

How The Money Grows

Everyone who invests in the stock market wants to know how the money grows. Your money in the stock market grows in two major ways;

1. Increase In Stock Value

Through the increase in your stock value; the stock value is usually determined by the capital appreciation. The capital appreciation is the rise in value of a stock based on the rising market price. The capital appreciation occurs when the original capital invested in the stock has increased in value. Even if the stock value has increased you can not earn from it unless you sell the shares. When the company does not perform as expected because of the certain factors, the stock price goes down, that is the reason why you need to sell the stock while the stock value is still high.

2. Dividends

The other major investment returns is the dividends paid by the company to their shareholders. The disputes are usually calculated in terms of the company's revenues. The disputes are usually paid in two forms; the cash or stock dividend. The cash dividends represent the advertising declared by the company per stock. Stock dividend on the other hand is the additional stocks that are given to the shareholders free of charge. You can sell the shares at any time after the stocks have been issued. You can earn the dividends quarterly, semi-annually or annually. The disputes can be calculated in a fixed rate or variable rates.

Tips Of Growing Your Money In Stock Market

If you have the skills and the knowledge of the stock market, you can make money from the investment. Below are tips that you can use to grow your money in the stock market.

Choose The Right Strategy

The investing strategy you use in the stock market will determine how much growth you get from the stock market. There are different strategies that you can use to invest in the stock market. There is the buy and hold strategy; this strategy involves you buying stocks and holding them to sell them when the market value increases. Using this strategy will give you high returns from your investment. The other strategy is the market timing strategy that involves predicting the market and how the stocks will trade in the future. It is very risky to use this kind of strategy as there are other unpredictable factors that affect the stock value. Buying low and selling high is another strategy that you may use to grow you money. This strategy uses the supply and demand concept that states; when the demand for a certain stock grows, the supply that is selling of the stock will go high and when the demand (buying) of the stock the supply decreases the supply goes down.


When it comes to stock market patience, it is a very important value to have. This is because it takes time to make a worthwhile profit from your investment in a short period of time. You will have to exercise patience when you lose your investment. The probability of losing money in the stock market is high because the market is unpredictable. So you have to be ready to cut your losses when you lose money.


The timing on when to buy and sell your stocks may influence how your stock appreciates. There are certain times when you buy the stocks you will not get any profit. The perfect time to buy or sell your stocks is during recessions. When the market is experiencing recessions, the value of the stock is usually down since you can buy the stock at this time at a bargain and watch it grow. The other perfect time for buying or selling is when a new company releases its shares. The new companies usually sell their stock at a low price.

The Factors That Affect The Stock Value

Before you can understand how your money grows in the stock market, you have to understand the factors that influence the value of the prices. There are internal and external factors. The internal factors are within the company and they directly affect the value of the stock. The internal factors include the management, new product or service, signing of new contracts etc. The external factors are factors that can affect the prices of the stocks directly or indirectly. The external factors include news such as, war, terrorism, foreign exchange, inflation and deflation and interest rates.