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Friday, March 29, 2019

More Creative Ideas to Make Extra Money

You are reading this article because you want to know the different ways of making money. Extra money making ideas come in many different ways. Money can be generated from almost anything. What you need in just some imagination, creativity and the passion to earn more. You do not need professional experience for this matter. As long as you have the interest and willingness to gain extra cash, you will find creative ways to make extra money. Here are some ways that you can practice to generate extra money.

Tutor students

Parents are always willing to do almost anything to see their children succeed. Why not take this opportunity? These parents are willing to pay big bucks. So if you are good in math, science, writing skills or even a second language you can make money imparting your knowledge to children forhaps $ 20 to $ 30 an hour. You can advertise your service through flyers, local newspaper or Craigslist.

Return the bottles

Returning empty soda bottles to sellers can also earn you some extra money. Other than helping to save the environment, you get extra money as well. So, the next time you drink sodas do not get rid of the bottles. Put them aside, clean them and return them to your sellers.

Sell ​​Your Unwanted Gold Jewelry

This is rather interesting. Can you depart from your 'no longer wearing' gold jewelery? If you can, sell it to the local gold shops as the price of this precious commodity is approximately $ 890 an ounce. Bear in mind that, you are paid based on the weight of the gold only and gold dealers do not pay for gemstones. Gold in good shape can reach a higher price.

Sell ​​photos online

If you are good in photography, selling photos on the net is another option in making money. Even if you are just an amateur photographer, there is always the photo editing software to do some editing for you.

For more information on make money ideas, please visit

Are Your Managers Ready for Generation Y Employees?

Generation Y or the "Internet Generation" will dramatically change every aspect of your business in the next five years!

Change will be constant, rapid and revolutionary. Want proof?

First, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is putting all of their 1,500 courses on the Internet. MIT believes that the "disclosure of knowledge and information can open new doors to the powerful benefits of education for humanity around the world." That means students, educators and self-learners will be able to audit these courses when and where they want.

Second, Bob Lutz, General Motors Vice Chairman, has a blog to communicate directly with his customers. It is an invaluable way to get important information out to the market. It is also a vehicle for timely and accurate feedback. Other GM executives are setting up blogs to talk directly to and get information from their employees. By comparison, Microsoft has over 1,500 customer and employee blogs.

Third, YouTube is an Internet overnight success story. It allows people to upload and share videos over the Internet. To date they have 100 million videos on their site and receive another 65,000 per day. The company was founded in February 2005, and was never profitable. Yet, Google understands the potential of their technology and purchased the company nineteen months later for $ 1.65 billion.

While Gen X employees understand Internet, multitasking and instant communications, Generation Y members excels at use of these three tools, and they will use them to transform business. They will challenge every aspect of the workplace.

How do the different generational employees look managers?

B oomers: The boss is not always right, but the boss is always the boss. I will put in long hours to get ahead. If necessary, I will do so at the expense of my family.

Generation X: The boss is not always right, but I'm not going to be here very long. I watched my parent's jobs being downsized or outsourced so I do not have the same loyalty to a company they did. I'm not married to the company; I value my life outside of work.

Generation Y: The boss is not always right, but are they open to new ways to do business? Events like 9/11 and the Columbine High School shooting have taught us that life can be fleeting. The Internet as exposed us to new ways of approaching life and work. I want to flexibility, to be valued for my ideas and my work and I want time off to volunteer.

They are called Generation Y, as in "why," because they are constantly questioning the status quo. They are almost as large as the Boomer generation and are over 65% larger than the Generation X group. In the next twenty-five years 80 million Boomers will be retiring. As the Boomers retire, the Gen X employees will become the Gen Y's managers. However, because of their sheer size Generation Y will be the overwhelming influence in the workplace for the next fifty years.

Generation Y fully embraces technology. Today's twenty-year-old college graduate was only five years old when the Internet was developed in 1992. They have always had the world at their finger tips. They grow up with instant messaging, text messaging, cell phones, iPods, PDAs, MySpace, YouTube, multitasking and blogging. They think, and act, in terms of instant communications. While Gen X employees understand and used these vehicles, Generation Y is totally immersed in them.

Baby Boomers changed the culture on civil rights, woman's rights, and gay rights. Their world was shaped by the Cold War. The members of Generation Y were born after the Civil Rights Act was passed (1964), the gay rights movement started (1969), the first woman sat on the US Supreme Court (1975), and the Berlin Wall came down (1990). The struggles many of us remember are accepted facts in their world. Generation Y individuals overlap diversity as an accepted norm and until recently knew nothing about war. Their world has always included diversity.

Each of us has memories of some recent tragic events: the Oklahoma bombing, the Columbine High school shooting, the World Trade Center bombing, and three wars-Iraq, Afghanistan and the War on Terror. If you were a thirteen to fifteen year old, how would these events shape your thoughts about the future? In a practical way These Generation Y's remain optimistic.

Generation Y members are group-oriented, confident, goal-oriented and civic-minded. They have a more worldly view than Generation X'ers. These new employees have been coddled by their parents. As children they received trophies for simply participating on a team. Parents told them were special and capable of doing anything. Their non-school activities were scheduled (eg, karate, soccer, etc.), and their parents were not afraid to call a teacher, coach or boy Scout leader if they did not think their child was being treated fairly.

Generation Y kids have been raised with instant communication, unrealistic feedback and rapid decision making as the norm. They believe they have the world in the palm of their hand. And, with their knowledge of today's technology they do.

So what can your managers do to get ready for Generation Y employees? Generation Y employees want to be heard and valued by their company when they start with your company. They place a high value on family and flexibility and will volunteer their time to cause them feel are important. They are fearless and not intimidated by titles or corporate organizational charts.

They love variety and are not afraid of change. If they think they have a good suggestion they will take ownership of the idea. And, they will not be afraid to take the idea up the corporate ladder to be heard.

Successful companies must find ways to harness the new employee's talents, integrate them into the company and turn ideas into a competitive advantage. Progressive companies understand that learning is a two-way street. Generation Y employees will revolutionize internal and external communications. Companies have a lot to teach the Gen Y's, but they have a lot to learn from them also. That will be difficult in rigid, highly structured companies.

Jack Welsh, former CEO of General Electric, stated that "... ebusiness knowledge is usually inversely proportional to age and rank." Hiring, challenging and retaining good employees have always been the hallmark of successful companies.

Successful companies today must develop a culture of learning, sharing and embracing change. They will employ two-way mentoring, blogging, new training platforms, and new ways of hiring and promoting people.

Training Generation Y employees will change. Boring, all-day seminars will become less frequent. Generation Y employees will text message their friends during those seminars. They need the information in the seminar, but companies will have the training available in different platforms and in smaller "bite-sized" portions. These training modules will be downloadable to an employees' Blackberry, iPod or computer. The employee will view the sessions at home, or on a plane or listen to them in the car driving to an appointment.

This is an exciting and dynamic time for business! Change will be constant, rapid and revolutionary.

Generation Y employees will change how we look at hiring, turnover, mentoring, performance reviews, employee orientation, retention issues, and how we communicate with our employees and customers. Are your managers ready for this new employee?

Questions for Discussion:

  1. A new employee takes approximately six months to "learn the routes," and they will probably leave the company within four years. How will your managers take full advantage of the Generation Y employee's creative energies?
  1. What systems within your company need to be reviewed to take advantage of these upcoming changes?
  1. How can you dramatically change the way you communicate with your customers and your employees?

Flow Experience - A Key To Happiness

What is flow experience?

Flow experience is a concept defined by Csikszentmihalyi to describe those moments when you are completely and collectively absorbed in an activity. As such, everything else is forgotten. You have total concentration and nothing else matters. You are no longer aware of what is going on around you. The rest of the world is forgotten.

When you are in a flow experience, your focus is so complete that you forget about sleeping and eating. You are not even aware of yourself; you are immersed in the activity you are engaged in.

Sincemore, since you are so engrossed in the activity, your experience of time changes. You are so absorbed that the past and future are forgotten. Time absolutely flies by, although you are not aware of this at the time. It is only when you come out of the activity that you notice how much time has passed.

You can have a flow experience with any activity that is mindful and requires you to actively participate in it. As such, good conversation, reading a novel, playing sport, working on your hobby, letter writing, gardening, even cleaning the house are examples where you can experience flow. Passive activities such as watching television and sport are not conducive to a flow experience. You will probably know when you have had a flow experience as you will get that feel-good buzz afterwards of having engaged in something engrossing.

Whilst you are engaged in your activity, you will feel completely in control and are not worried about success or failure. The activity fees effortless but engaging. To the objective observer the activity may look risky and demanding (for example, surfing), but not to you, the participant.

We all possess the ability to engage in flow experiences and the more we have, the happier we are.

Why is it important?

  • Flow enables you to focus and have total control and concentration during a particular experience.
  • Understanding flow enables you to focus your attention at will, rather than waiting for something to come and grab your attention.
  • Your skills are being used at their very best - you are giving your all.
  • It can help you achieve your goals, since you are free from intrusive thoughts and events.
  • It will enhance your well-being and happiness.
  • Understanding flow can help you understand why you are procrastinating on a particular issue. Have a look at the conditions needed for a flow experience and reflect on them in terms of the task you are struggling to stay.
The three conditions to a flow experience

Csikszentmihalyi stipulates three conditions that must be met in order to have a flow experience:

  1. Your chosen activity should have a clearly defined set of goals. This will help you focus your energy and give you direction.
  2. You want a good balance between your perceived skills and perceived challenges. The important point here is 'perceived' rather than actual. It is a mind-state. If you believe your skills far surpass the challenge, you will become bored as it will be too easy for you. Whereas, if you perceive the challenge as being too hard for you, you will become frustrated.
  3. Feedback is essential. It will enable you to modify your actions if necessary, to keep you in the flow. The feedback can be negative as well as positive. It can enable you to move on and progress (providing you have the skills to do so).
  4. How to have more flow experiences Flow can occur with any activity, provided it is mindful. What is important is how the activity is carried out. Take a look at the following tips to help you towards engaging in regular flow experiences:
  • Avoid multi-tasking. Trying to do two (or more) things at once is no way to achieve flow. It is not possible to give your all to two tasks at the same time. This will reduce your enjoyment and quite possibly the outcome may be compromised. Try to cut down on multi-tasking even for the most everyday chores.
  • Try not to check your email every five minutes if you are working on a computer. Choose a time to read it and give it your full attention.
  • Limit your distractions. Is there anything in your environment that is preventing you from achieving flow? Temperature, noise, layout, objects, other people, level of light can make a difference.
  • Determine your goals and break them down into achievable chunks. Make sure these chunks are adequately challenging to keep your interest.
  • Try new activities and develop new skills. The more your skills develop, the more pleasure you will receive. You may experience boredom or frustration early on. So take care to monitor your progress to check the activity is interesting enough and within your capability. Modify your goals if you need to.
  • To keep experiencing flow with a particular activity you will need to increase the challenge - one that you believe you can meet. As your skills develop, the activity can become boring as it no longer requires as much attention. A new challenge will not only up your interest but enhance your expertise.
  • How is your job? You spend a great chunk of your life in work, so you really want to obtain as many flow experiences as possible. If you are feeling bored, is there anything you can do to make it more challenging?
  • Try to obtain regular feedback on what you are doing. It could be from yourself or another person.
  • Avoid mindless activities which you do not actively get involved in - for example, watching television.
Read more

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1991) Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Auto Glass Cleaning - Tips for Sparkling Clean Windows and Mirrors

The windows of your car take a beating from dirt, bugs, bird droppings and other debris. But with a few simple techniques and a little know-how, you can make even the dirtiest windows sparkle. Here's a list of helpful glass cleaning tips to get your windows brilliantly clean - and without leaving behind streaks, scratches, residue or lint.

1. The first step is to choose an auto glass cleaner . Make sure your glass cleaner does not contain ammonia, alcohol or any ingredient that could produce toxic fumes. Beyond the obvious health concerns of inhaling these fumes, consider the impact your automotive cleaning products have on the environment. There are car care products on the market that are 100% biodegradable, non-toxic and recyclable that have the same great cleaning power as traditional cleaning products.

2. Any product containing ammonia is a definite no-no when it comes to auto detailing. Ammonia and ammonia fumes cause plastic, rubber, vinyl and leather to dry out, and will damage any tint your windows may have. Do your homework and you will not end up destroying your vehicle's interior while you're trying to clean it!

3. The type of towel you choose to clean your windows with can make all the difference. Choose a high-quality, glass cleaning microfiber towel at at least 300 GSM. Microfiber towels can hold up to eight times their weight in water, are lint-free and will not cause scratches. An electrostatic charge causes dirt and debris to be lifted up and away from the surface, rather than swept across it. Old t-shirts, towels, socks and newspaper are not the best choice when cleaning your car's glass, and will likely cause scratches, streaks and missed spots.

4. If you are cleaning the entire interior of your car, save your windows and rear-view mirror for last to avoid getting stray spray from other cleaning products on your freshly cleaned glass. You can also avoid stray spray by spraying your window cleaner (and other applicable interior auto detailing products) onto the microfiber towel - not directly on the surface.

5. Another factor to keep in mind is the motion you buff with your microfiber towel. While a circular motion may appear to be actively buffing away any streaks from your windows, a straight back-and-forth and then up-and-down motion will ensure that the entire surface has been cleaned and wiped down thoroughly.

6. Remember when cleaning your windows or mirrors to use one towel (or one side of a towel) to wipe the surface clean, and a second to buff the surface to a residual-free shine. Not only do you need two clean towel surfaces per swipe, but per window. The last thing you want to do is spread the dirt and dead bugs that you wiped off of your windshield onto the next window you clean. Make sure you have enough clean towels to avoid contaminating one window with the last one's mess.

7. Avoid cleaning your vehicle's windows in direct sunlight or very hot conditions, if possible. This is especially important if you are using a window cleaner containing harsh chemicals. When the liquid evaporates, the fumes left behind could easily be inhaled, posing a serious health risk. Even with non-toxic window cleaners, evaporation can also mean a spotty residue before your towel even hits the glass.

8. The easiest place to overlook when cleaning your vehicle's windows is the small edging area at the top of the window. Often, this area is especially dirty from build up in the rubber lip. Be sure you roll each window window down several inches to clean this area on both the interior and exterior of the glass.

9. Ever get a build up on the edges of your windshield wipers that causes blurry areas on your windshield? Wipe down your blades with a damp cloth and a bit of white vinegar. The vinegar will remove the debris that's stuck on the blades and allow them to make full contact with the windshield again. If after a wipe down, your windshield wipers have not improved any, you may be due for a new pair. And do not forget to clean out your wiper cowl once in a while! The wiper cowl is the area at the base of the windshield where your wipers lay when not in use. Keeping this area free of grime will greatly reduce the amount of debris on your wipers.

The Art of Finding the Right Gift For Someone You Hardly Know (But Have to Buy a Gift For Anyway)

Choosing just the right gift for your kids or you soul mate or your sister is fun. You know what pleases them. The only challenge is deciding what will please them the most . That truly special gift that will produce the largest smile.

Heck, you smile just thinking about their reaction.

Plus it's usually a pretty easy choice. After all, they've told you. In the case of your kids, they've probably told you more than once.

Your soul mate and your sister (or brother or best friend) have certainly dropped enough hints. And anyway, you've known them long enough so that, by now, you know what pleases them just about as well as they know themselves.

Of course, sometimes money will do the trick. Five bucks to the kid at the gas station. Fifty to your apartment Super.

But there are times when only an in-a-box gift-wrapped gift will do. These are the 'got to' gifts that make us heave a sigh of (dare we say this at holiday time?) Annoyance.

Because these are the gifts we're compelled to give to virtual strangers. Like the receptionist whose name we've randomly picked for a gift-exchange at the office Christmas party. The sum total of our interaction has been mutual good-mornings in the elevator.

Or perhaps we've just been informed that Cousin Emma will be bringing her latest beau to the family gathering, and we really can not leave him as the odd-man out in the gift exchanging.

Whatever the reason, we just want to get it over with. At minimum cost.

But would not it be more fun to make choosing such gifts. . . well, more fun? Or at least interesting?

You can, you know. All you have to do is release your Inner Sleuth.

Come on, now. Who does not like a good mystery? Movie. Novel. Game of Clue . For most of us, it's fun to solve things. Makes us feel smart.

So for the Sherlock Holmes hidden away in all of us, go ahead and resolve The Mystery of What the Stranger Wants . Gumshoe. PI. Detective. Sleuth. Pick the title of your choice and get to work.

Next time you see that receptionist, pay attention. What color is she wearing? What kind of jewelry? Instead of just 'good morning,' ask if she's read the latest best-seller. No? Aha! A challenge for you, Sherlock: How to ask what she's interested in without being obvious.

If you have trouble eliciting the desired information, you might engage a college (or two) to help you with the sleuthing so it does not sound like an interrogation. Set up some little scripts. Make it sound like impromptu chats about art today, poetry tomorrow, global warming on Friday morning.

Or try sniffing: what perfume is she wearing?

As for Emma's beau, a little long-distance sleuthing is in order. Emma's mother (or sister or brother brother) may profitably be chatted up on the phone.

Perhaps an e-mail to Emma herself telling her you're just dying for her to tell you about what's-his-name. Gush a little, and you may learn a lot.

But remember: this is an undercover investigation. The payoff comes when the wrapping paper is torn off.

When the receptionist gasps, "August Schildkraut's The Philosophy of Autonomy ! It's perfect! However did you know?"

When Emma's beau can not wait to find a computer so that he can transfer that CD of Lawrence Welk's Favorite Polkas into his iPod.

When everyone's smiling. Yes, Sherlock: even you.

Hyundai i10 - Sporty and Smooth Looks

Hyundai i10 by Hyundai Motor group considered is as liveliest and vibrant car. It is a premium hatchback model and gaining good feedback from the side of customers. Launched in the year 2007, it is offering good competition to other luxury models offered by Hyundai, Ford and Skoda. If you wish to enjoy comfortable journey, you can select Hyundai i10 without any second thought. Sporty and smooth looks make it quite attractive and popular.

Basically, Hyundai i10 is available in two different versions:
1. Hyundai 1.1 iRDE
2. Hyundai i10 Kappa

Hyundai 1.1 IRDE includes i10 D-Lite, i10 Era and i10 Magna.

Hyundai i10 1.2L Kappa includes Magna (O), Sportz GLS, Magna AT, Sportz AT GLS, Hyundai i10 Asta GLS, Hyundai i10 Asta WS GLS and Asta AT WS GLS.

Available Colors: Crystal White, Oyster Gray, Alpine Blue, Blushing Red, Champagne Gold, Virtual Yellow, Stone Black, Electric Red, Deep Ocean Blue and Sleek White. It is nature of human beings that we love different colors.

When it comes to engine of the vehicle, Kappa version is outfitted with an engine aptitude of 1.2 liters. Additionally, it comes with an automatic transmission and genes 81 bhp of solid power and maximum torque of 11.4 Kgm @ 4000 rpm. Hyundai i10 has all-aluminum, 4 cylinder engine with features such as Double Overhead Camshaft (DOHC). The 1.2 liter engine is Euro-V submissive with the CO2 release level standing at a bare minimum of just 119g / km. Advanced safety features promise safe and protective driving.

Cryptocurrencies: Real Money or a Fad?

2017 is the year of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin jumped from a few thousand dollars' worth and broke records by crossing the $ 20,000 mark. Ethereum's Ether is higher than ever. New journals are popping up every day and people are buying them in a frenzy.

So, are these codes of programming real money or a fad that will die in time? Let's review:


Have you ever sent money to someone through banking channels? Different banks have different protocols, but all have one thing in common: They charge you for it. Yes, you may say that your bank gives you a few fee transactions a month, but it puts other restrictions where you are forced to pay for those particular services.

With digital journals such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, you still have to pay to transfer money over to someone, but the transaction "charges" you give to miners are much lower than what traditional banks offer you.


Sending cryptocurrency to someone living in any part of the world is as easy as writing an email. All you have to do is to ask for the receiver's address, log in your wallet and send the desired amount. You can then go around doing whatever you do in your daily life and the money will be transferred.


OK, so the title is misleading a bit. There are tons of cryptocurrency out there, so you and the receiver may not have the same currency wallet. If the receiver is flexible (and you have the convincing power), he or she can set up an electronic wallet for your currency in no time.

The most widely accepted currency is Bitcoin and if you have it, you will not face any problem of different currency acceptance.


With financial crises everywhere and the inflation rate rising rapidly, you will one day find that all those dollars you saved do not have much buying power in a decade or so. The wise thing is to invest them in something that will not depreciate over time. Enter Cryptocurrency! Mostly because of the way these treaties are programmed, they will be very limited in circulation, unlike paper based currency where you can just print off more.

A simple case of supply and demand will always ensure that cryptocurrency will have an ever increasing value.

So, there you have it: Cryptocurrencies are not a fad in my opinion. All you have to do is know which one to buy.