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Thursday, March 28, 2019


What is technology? I bet that everyone you ask will give you a different definition, depending on the things he / she uses. I'm sure your mother will tell you that technology makes her life easy because of all the gadgets that were invented, your younger brother will say technology means last generation computers and high detailed games, you will probably say that it is your mobile phone. I will say for me technology is semi-cocked food. It was probably the best invention ever. But it's just me.

So, we have established how we, the mortals, see technology. But would not be really interesting to see what it really is? Well it deals with how a customs and knowledge of instruments intended to ease the life and how it affects its ability to fit into the environment. This is a general definition.

We, the humans see it as a result of the interaction of different sciences and engineering.

Technology is one of those terms that actually can not be defined. It cam means everything from a main board to a way of organizing a factory. It can refer to practice everything, because all of the things around us were, at a certain point technological breakthroughs.

How can we use it? As such, in specific areas like "medical technology", describing only one aspect of science or in expressions like "state-of-the-art-technology", which is by far more abstract.

We have used technology for as far as we implemented. It is in our blood to discover all kinds of things meant to ease our life. And if they do not exist, you can bet wee will invent them. Starting with the discovery of fire and with the adaptation of all the things we find in nature to our needs and ending with the World Wide Web and the space satellites launched into the orbit, we managed to turn everything in our favor. And that is technology. Well, as our ancestors used to say, since the invention of the wheel we've learned a great deal about controlling our environment.

Technology is every ware around us, permitting us to interact at a global scale. Imagine that! With just a click you can see your friend from the other side of the world in real time. Not just talk to her, but see her, see what she does and how she reacts.

But technology bought upon us a great curse too. We did not invent only good things. There are a lot of destructive gadgets that do not ease our existence, but only complicate it, or end it. Bang-Bang! And that's not your kid's gun, but a real one that can end your life in a heart beat.

All in all technology is what makes the world go round every day. Well, not exactly. Magic, or the laws of nature make that. Technology is everything else, all the things that can not be blamed on magic. Ant that's about 99.9% of the things that you use in life. So, VIVA Technology.

Big Companies Pay You to Advertise For Them

How great would it be if you could make all of the businesses in the world work for you? Whenever they made money, you would make money, even better you would do it sitting at your home, working from your personal computer. Let me tell you from personal experience that I know it can happen. No matter what size the business is, or what service or product that they provide the public, they all have one thing in common.

Every business has to advertise. Without advertisements the company would fail. Now you are asking what this could possible have to do with you, right? That is simple, companies especially the larger ones pay people to advertise for them. These companies do not have the time to put into thinking of new ways to advertise their business, in fact they are more than happy to let someone else do it for them. Why not step up to the plate and be their freelance advertiser? Generating sales is always a valuable skill to have where ever you are and whatever you do!

As a freelance advertiser, the companies would rely on you to think of new ways to bring their businesses into the public's eye. To succeed at this, all you need is to be able to think outside the box, and to stay ahead of the game. If you are a self motivated person, with an unique eye for advertising, than this is just what you are looking for. Having a freelance advertising company gives you the freedom to live your life.

Things to Know About Diodes

Diodes come in many shapes and sizes. High-current diodes are often mounted on a heat-sink device to reduce their operating temperature. It is possible to place diodes in parallel to increase the current-carrying capacity, but the VI characteristics of both diodes must be closely matched to ensure that current divides evenly (although a small resistor can be placed in series with each diode to help equalize the currents. All diodes have some leakage current (current that gets through when a diode is reverse-biased).

This leakage current-better known as the reverse current (IR) -is very small, typically within the nano ampere range. Diodes also have a maximum allowable reverse voltage, peak reverse voltage (PRV), or peak inverse voltage (PIV), above which a large current will flow in the wrong direction. If the PIV is excluded, the diode may get zapped and may become permanently damaged. The PIV for diodes variates from a few volts to as much as several thousand volts. One method for achieving an effectively higher PIV is to place diodes in series. Again, it is important that diodes are matched to ensure that the reverse voltage divides evenly (although a small resistor placed in parallel with each diode can be used to equalize the reverse voltages).

Other things to consider about diodes include maximum forward current (IF), capacitance (formed across the pn junction), and reverse recovery time. Most diodes have a 1-prefix design (eg, 1N4003). The two ends of a diode are usually distinguished from each other by a mark. For glass-encapsulated diodes, the cathode is designated with a black band, whereas black-plastic encapsulated diodes use a white band. If no symbols are present (as seen with many power diodes), the cathode may be a bolt like piece. This piece is inserted through a heat-sink device (piece of metal with a hole) and is fastened down by a nut. A fiber or mica washer is used to isolate the cathode electrically from the metal heat sink, and a special silicone grease is placed between the washer and heat sink to enhance thermal conductivity.

A zener diode is a device that acts as a typical pn-junction diode when it comes to forward biasing, but it also has the ability to conduct in the reverse-biased direction when a specific breakout voltage (VB) is reached. Zener diodes typically have breakdown voltages in the range of a few volts to a few hundred volts (although larger effective breakdown voltages can be reached by placing zener diodes in series).

Using a Credit Card Comparison Tool to Save Money

If you have accumulated a lot of bad debt it can be quite a frightening experience. You may have bought new furniture for your living room, a new car, or some other consumer item that has placed you in debt. Luckily there are strategies you can use to get out of debt. Many people build a mental brick between their savings and investment accounts and the consumer debt accounts. This can actually be a mistake because it means that you are not looking at your finances wholistically. In many cases, it is a perfectly rational strategy to use you savings to minimize your consumer debts. This strategy can be particularly effective where you have a high interest credit card debt or a high interest car loan or other type of personal loan that is costing you a lot in interest.

Obviously when you reduce your debts you also reduce your savings but thinking about it from the perspective of your total net worth which is measured by comparing your assets with your liabilities. With most people's personal finances, the returns that they are receiving on their investments is lower than the amounts that they are losing to interest repayments. If you pay off your consumer loans or credit cards which may be charged at 12% interest this is most likely to be beneficial because investments generally only earn between 5 and 10% return per year. Although you may earn more by investing in a hot stock tip or a piece of real estate, there is always a risk associated with investments with high rates of return so paying off your debts is usually the less risky option in the long run.

One strategy you can use in your personal finances to work toward the goal of paying off your consumer debts is to compare the credit products that you are using at the moment. An example is a credit card. Credit cards now have a bewildering array of various interest rates, features, rewards programs annual fee regimes and cash back incentives. If you analyze your spending patterns and your ability to pay off your existing consumer debts you can often work out a better deal on your credit card by finding a product that suits you better. This may involve leveraging a good credit history or it may involve observing that you hardly ever travel meaning that you do not need a card with frequent flyer miles which translates into a lower interest rate that benefits you. One of the complicated things to work out is how to compare all of the products out there. There are a number of credit card comparison tools available now which can assist with this process.

Custom Car Paint Jobs

Custom car paint jobs are probably the ultimate goal for lovers of classic cars. Having a unique paint scheme that is different from the standard factory finish is unduly the reason car enthusiasts embark on the ultimate transformation.

In many cases the idea for a custom paint job, starts when the owners or prospective owners of a classic car, having a burning desire to transform their beloved automobile. However it is important to consider exactly what you want from the customization.

People have different reasons for considering custom car paint jobs.There are generally several types of enthusiast, for example (i) The car lover who desires to show their beloved car. (ii) The drag racer who is perhaps only interested in the speed aspect, notable among Muscle Car enthusiasts. (iii) The pleasure driver, Sunday driver if you like. Or depending a combination of the aforementioned.

Whatever the reason, custom car paint jobs, is something that needs careful consideration. These unique paint jobs can present many challenging factors, for example cost, parts availability, and a massive labor intensive undertaking.

A custom car transformation can prove to be a costly consideration. Price of paint jobs in general goes way beyond the cost of paint. There are often many labor intensive hours that go into producing the final product. For a superb show quality finish, the preparation is everything. In many cases this involves painstaking repairs to original damaged panels. In some cases, sometimes because of age or irreparable damage, the panels will need replacing exclusively. Again this could present the problem where panels are no longer available or hard to find. Repairs to existing panels then need the attention of an experienced panel beater, who will need to return the panels back to the original flat surface. In some cases it is preferable to take the panels back to bare metal, with a process of media blasting (sand blasting), in order to recreate a show quality finish.

It is important to shop around when choosing a body shop to undertake your project. As previously mentioned, custom car paint jobs can be a cost affair, and so the last thing you want is to entrust your beloved car with someone who will not provide the care and attention needed. In that respect, do your research and find out as much as you can about the custom paint shop. There are many questions that you should consider, but extremely you need to decide what it is you want to achieve. A quality reputable body shop will naturally take care of the fine details of preparation and final paint job. However it is important that you communicate your needs before the process begins. Therefore you need to be confident that the body shop will help and advise you as much as possible with the initial design process. The ultimate accomplishment is the complete satisfaction that you are the proud owner of a unique custom car.

Locksmith Services

It has been years now that you have been working like a donkey, multiple shifts a day, exhausting yourself to sleep every day, the only consolation being that you will probably manage enough to buy yourself a house soon. Working day in and day out, you finally save sufficient enough to make you the proud owner of a bungalow and a car to boast about. But at the end of the day, you end up doing a mistake people often make; that is, compromising on the quality of locks used or misplacing the only set of keys you had.

Now all the while that you have lost the only set of keys, your mind would be full of visions of how the most dangerous thief will catch hold of them and magically discover your house before you can reach back to safeguard it. Or even worse, while you stand outside keeping an eye, an armed group of dacuits may threaten you at gunpoint or shoot you at a point blank range. No !! Stop imagining. It would not ever reach that far. All you need to do is to call for a reliable locksmith service vendor.

Locksmith services would be just a call away. Happy to help professionals would be at your doorstep much before you realize. And you need not worry about the legal aspects. The professional you call is not just another trained thief or dacoit, a master at cracking open locks. The locksmith service providers make sure that the people they engage are licensed, bonded and ensured. So you could spare yourself the anguish and agony of waiting under the blazing heat of the sun, cursing yourself for losing the damn keys.

Emergency services are just a small fraction of the services provided by locksmiths. There is a plethora of other services that we provide. Take for example the automotive locksmiths. How many times do you end up locking your vehicle keys in the vehicle itself? Had it not been for that bunch of duplicate keys you would have probably been forced to abandon your car at the shopping place or office complex frequently every month. Automotive locksmiths help you to open your car without damage to the locking system of the car.

Commercial locksmiths are much in vogue today. Astounded? Surprised by the two words- commercial and locksmiths put together? Sounds more like a robbery racket, is not it? in that case, it would probably be an eye opener for you that locksmith services are usually looked out commercially today. In the case of banks for example, if any government investigating agency wants to break open the locker of the promised or the accused, the professional locksmiths are hired.

Locksmith services are also en cashed upon in access control systems wherein a single key holds the entry to a multi door system, for example. Alarm systems are another region of application of locksmith services. Also intercom system safety can be ensured by asking for the help of professionals

Charging Drill Batteries

Charging new Drill batteries can be frustrating. Most people have been told that they should charge their new battery before using it. Some of you already know that trying to charge the battery first does not always work. Depending on how long the battery has been sitting on the shelf is directly related to how much energy is left in the battery pack. Batteries are not shipped fully charged, but they do get an initial charge from the factory to energize the cells and test the integrity of the pack. If you receive a new or recently built battery pack, your charger may not recognize that the battery needs to be charged.

Some chargers, sample the voltage of a battery pack to determine weather or not the pack needs charging and if it see the voltage where it should be like in the case of a freshly manufactured battery pack, it will not start to charge. The charger believes the battery is already at full charge and does nothing or it may light up momentarily and the stop. What is needed is to put the pack into the drill and run it down a little and then try putting it back into the charger. If the charger still will not charge the battery, then you may have a defective charger, but try this first.

Also, the main reason that Drill batteries go bad is they're run down too low before recharging. This will not be the case with a brand new battery. Brand new batteries, right out of the box can be used until you experience a slowing of the drill at which time you should place it on the charger. If you run a battery down continuously over a prolonged period of time, your can cause a polar reversal in some cells, which is why they fail to recharge to their operating voltage over time.