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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Easy Ways to Make Money

"Are there any easy ways to make money?"

The short answer is "Yes", but this needs to be qualified.

First, understand that there are NO FREE WAYS to make money, nor are there any ways to make FREE money, whichever way you like to say it! There is no scheme where you pay nothing and do nothing, and you make money automatically. If there were, millions of people would be doing it and they certainly would not tell anyone else about it. There are no on-line philanthropists who wish to "help" you to make money from the goodness of their heart; They want only to help themselves in some way. To make money you must expend some measure of your own cash or time or effort, or some combination of these.

That does not mean that you must always pay money for help or ideas to make money. There are several sources of information, and even software, which require no cash payment, but do require your time and effort to make the ideas work. An example is automated advertisements. More of that in a moment.

"What is the easiest way to make money?"

The easiest way to make money is, without a shadow of a doubt, by using the communicative power of the Internet, through which you can reach millions of people who may be looking for what you are offering. If you think that you have nothing to offer, you're almost certainly be wrong!

"What can I offer to people?"

The easiest way to make money on the Internet is by offering products or services provided by other companies. This is known as "Affiliate Marketing". You become an affiliate of the product manufacturer or service provider, and they pay you cash as a commission on whatever you sell for them.

How much does it cost to become an affiliate? Nothing! Only the time it takes to find some good affiliate products or services. Search the Web for "affiliate program program" (where "????" is your chosen subject of interest). When you've found some you like, sign up with them. (You may need to give a web site address for them to check. Do not worry if you do not have one; We'll deal with that in just a moment.) When they've approved you, go to their ' banners' or 'creatives' page and pick a suitable banner. Copy the banner code and paste it into your web pages where you want the banner to appear. Done! Now, whenever someone clicks on the banner and buys a product or service, you'll be paid a commission.

If that's too time-consuming for you, there is, fortunately, a quick way. Join one or more of the "affiliate trackers". These are companies that handle the affiliate sales tracking and commission payments on behalf of a large number of suppliers. You can select the suppliers that interest you from their lists. They also e-mail you whenever a new supplier joins their scheme. This saves you the time spent on looking for suppliers, but the banner work still needs to be done. Some affiliate trackers are LinkShare, ShareASale, WebGains, AffiliateFuture, LinkConnector, Buy, AffiliateWindow, CommissionJunction.

If you find all that too hard to do, there's an even simpler and quicker way. In fact, it's probably impossible to find any method for making money simpler and quicker to set up than ClickBank with the automated advertisements mentioned earlier. ClickBank is an affiliate tracking company that deals only in digital products, that is, products that can be downloaded from the supplier's web site immediately after they have been paid for, such as software, e-books, videos, etc. Just follow these steps:

(1) Join ClickBank as an affiliate. (You do not need to give a web site address.) The cost? Nothing.
(2) Sign up for automated advertisements lifetime membership. The cost? Nothing.
(3) Watch the automated advertisements training videos.
(4) If you do not have a web site, create a WordPress blog in a few minutes, and then watch the advertised advertisements WordPress video. The cost? Nothing.

For about an hour's work, you should have banner ads on your web pages or blog. Each time a visitor visits or refresh the page, the banner ad changes at random among the most popular ClickBank products in the category you chose. This random display is controlled by the automated advertisements software, and always displays the most successful products.

Once you're set up, either with your web site or WordPress blog, you'll need to attract visitors to it. In Internet marketing, visitors are known (somewhat impolitely) as "traffic". Driving traffic to your site is the hardest part of Internet marketing, but there are many ways to do it. This subject is beyond the scope of this article, but, if you can not get good advice from someone you know, there are many training courses available at various prices. Regrettably, many of them are not worth the money, being either poorly written or not comprehensive.

"How much commission will I be paid?"

There are no rules. You'll probably want to go for those affiliate programs which pay a minimum of 4% on consumer goods like TVs and games consoles. Digital goods like e-books and software can pay 50% or more! 25% is common for financial services. Insurance companies can pay you $ 5 just for a lead, without selling anything, and $ 70 if the prospect buys a policy. You may be surprised at some of the companies that operate affiliate schemes, even huge ones, like Sony, Argos, Wal-Mart, Sears.

"What else will I need?"

Patience. Do not expect miracles overnight. It may take some time and effort on your part, but success will come for sure. The amount of your success is usually commensurate with your effort in the early months. Sooner or later, your enterprise will achieve critical mass and start to snowball. Then it will be difficult to stop the money rolling in. Good luck!

Motorcycle Gloves: Types and Purpose

Most novice riders consider gloves to be of no importance in riding bikes because all they have to do is twist the throttle and cling to the handlebars. Another category of riders wear motorcycle gloves for the sole reason of them looking good. But the fact is gloves play a vital role in motorcycle riding. Let us now take a look at a few reasons to wear motorcycle gloves.

• Hands tend to sweat a lot during intensive riding periods. These results in the hands getting wet and because losing grip on the handle bars. Gloves prevent this from happening. The perfect kind of gloves would be the ones that provide protection on the outside and comfort on the inside. Leather, Kevlar and carbon fiber are the commonly used materials to create high quality motorcycle gloves. Cotton is also used in the inner parts of the gloves to avoid the rider getting sweaty hands.

• When a biker meets with an accident in which he / she is skidding forward because of the momentum, our immediate action would be to stop skidding by using our hands. In such a scenario our hands would get badly battered and bruised. Weaving gloves can protect the rider's hands from getting cuts or bruises because of an accident. Higher quality racing gloves protect the rider's hands from twisting or bending beyond a certain level and hence protecting them from injuries.

• Gloves also protection in different weather conditions. Gloves are most useful in icy conditions. Our fingers become numb when they are constantly in touch with cold or chilly winds. Biking in cold weather will do the same. Our hands and fingers when cold and numb do not react fast enough even though we are alert. Thus a glove can prevent this from keeping by keeping the palm and fingers warm.

Gloves are normally classified into two main types:

• Full Fingered Gloves - These types of gloves are further classified into four different types. The Gauntlet gloves are the best among them as they provide really good protection and can be used in any weather. Plastic gloves or better known as rain gloves are used as covers and are worn over any existing pair of gloves. Lightweight gloves are the best for summer or hot conditions as they allow cooling of the hands. Winter gloves or leather gloves are the best alternative for winter. They help in keeping the hands warm and even active even in cold conditions.

• Half Fingered Gloves or Fingerless Gloves - This type of gloves does not provide really high quality safety but is ideal for regular motorcycle riding. They keep the hands cool and allow better ventilation.

A rider may choose any kind of motorcycle glove according to his choice. But the main things that he should keep in his mind are quality, size and comfort.

Money Attraction - How to Attract Money in Your Life

Some people attract more more money than other people. Why is this so? The primary cause for this is in the way we think.

You are what you think you are. Usually, you have an estimate of how much money you can realistically expect to earn. You always wish to live more prosperously but do not really believe that it will ever happen. You might even believe that it is literally wrong to be wealthy.

This way of thinking is linked to the reality that you have accepted life with false limits. These false limitations prevent you from having and enjoying many things in life, especially the ability to attract large sums of money. This sort of thinking will never allow you to attract money in your life. It leads to a condition of financial deficiency. This condition appears so real that you are rarely aware of the limitations you have accepted and how these limits have shaped your life.

The only way to attract money in your life is to release these false limiting beliefs and substituting with positive empowering beliefs regarding money. When you alter the inner attributes of your mind towards prosperity, you will begin to attract money automatically.

So how can you free yourself from negative and limiting beliefs about money?

Firstly, you must become aware of the negativity you are consciously and subconsciously going through. Recognize how this negativity has been influencing you. Negative thinking results in unhappiness, worry, anxiety, fears, depression, illness and poverty.

Once you are well aware of the negatives, you then got neutralize these negatives and replace them with positive thoughts, images and feelings. This can be done with positive affirmations such as 'I choose to be rich', 'Money is my friend', 'Every day my wealth is multiplying'. As you say them, allow yourself to experience the positive emotions of elation, confidence, satisfaction, power, energy or enthusiasm.

As a result of these positive feelings, your behavior will be influenced and moved into action. This change in behavior will acquire more positive energy with positive visualization. This positive visualization is done by creating a positive mental image about attracting money. And then visualizing yourself experiencing the joy and excitment of attracting money in your life. It becomes better if you give yourself some positive feedback such as an immediate good result. Be your own friend and give yourself positive support.

As this positive behavior continues, you'll start to develop new positive beliefs toward wealth. For this to happen, it is critical that the behavioral change last long enough for the positive belief to become established. This then will give you the positive energies to attract money.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Investing in Real Estate Profitably: Eliminating the Need for Mortgage Insurance

In an earlier article, we presented various options for ensuring that you have positive cash flow when holding rental houses, by minimizing loan payments. One problem which we now can address is to how to eliminate the need for paying mortgage insurance.

Any loan with less than 20% down payment will include or require mortgage insurance. It may be included in the rate (which is called "Lender Paid Mortgage Insurance" or LPMI) or more commonly it is a separate itemized item, but in either case you must pay it.

If you want to pay less than 20% down, the best way to get around mortgage insurance is to finance your purchases with two loans, a first and a second mortgage. For example, the first mortgage is commonly 70%, 75% or 80% of the purchase price and the second mortgage makes up the difference to 90% or 95% of the purchase price. You can get both mortgages from the same lender, but usually you can find better rates on the second mortgage from a lender that specializes in second mortgages. An independent loan broker can put this together for you nicely.

Both mortgages typically close escrow at the same time and both lenders are fully aware of each other. For simplicity, put both loans in the same escrow and sign them both at the same time. If you want to be tricky and try to use two mortgages to get 100% financing (ie no down payment), there are ways to do this, but we do not recommend it and it is not within the scope of this article.

The second mortgage is typically at a higher interest rate than the first, but not always. For example, there are some very competitive home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) with rates only a fraction above the prime interest rate. You have to have good credit scores to qualify, but if you do, they are very attractive. The problem with a HELOC based on the prime rate is that it charges the prime rate does not get too high before you pay it off. As you may recall from the early 1980s, the prime often does go sky high and it could happen again.

There is a particularly large variation in the interest rates for second mortgages from various lenders. Moreover, if your credit, income, and assets are not ideal, you may not be qualified for certain second mortgage programs, so it may be more difficult to find a second mortgage at a good rate that you do qualify for. It is very important therefore to ask your independent loan broker to check out various options and to shop the rates. He / she should be comparing at least half a dozen different second mortgage programs.

When you use two loans as described above, it is usually advisable to have an interest-only or minimum payment loan for the first mortgage. This allows you to focus on paying down the principle on second mortgage over a period of say 5 years, if you can afford it. If you can not do that, than obtain a second mortgage that also has a 5-year fixed period and an interest only option. You are then covered with predictable and low payments for at least 5 years.

This article has reviewed a strategy for improving your cash flow when purchasing investment rental homes - namely, using two loans to eliminate mortgage insurance. There is much more to say on this topic. So keep an eye out for additional articles by the same authors on this and related topics.

(c) Copyright 2004, Jeanette J. Fisher and Robert S. Kramarz. All rights reserved.

Evaluating Stocks: Fundamentals and Technical Analysis

Certainly, a "complete" course on security analysis is well beyond the scope of this text. There are many excellent books devoted to the subject of how to analyze the value of securities - both from a fundamental as well as a technical standpoint. The goal here is simply to provide a basic understanding of the methods and theories behind each type of stock analysis.

It should be pointed out early on that Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis of securities are two fairly radically different approaches to determining the correct [or fair] value of a company's stock. Let's start with a general overview of each method and then look into the specifics of each area. Again, for a more detailed examination of each type of analysis, we suggest you refer to our book list and / or the books specifically mentioned throughout this document.

The definitive work on Fundamental Analysis is broadly considered to be the classic book "Security Analysis" by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd. This book, which was first published in 1934, is considered by most on Wall Street to be the 'Bible' of security analysis.
In fact, it was Benjamin Graham that Warren Buffett studied under when he first started in the stock market. Much of Berkshire Hathaway's success can likely be traced back to the information and ideas provided in the book Security Analysis and by the teachings of Benjamin Graham (although, it's widely acknowledged that Warren Buffett put his own spin on things over the years as well).

Fundamental Analysis is just as it sounds. It is based on examining the fundamental pieces of a business and its operation. There are no exotic formulas used. You do not need to be a mathematician. Anyone with a simple calculator and some basic information about a business should be able to employ Fundamental Analysis quite effectively.
The basic idea is if you put a dollar into the business (in the form of buying the stock) how much of a return can you expect. How much yield will you likely see and / or how much growth will you experience based on the operation, markets, competitors and costs of the business. Obviously, not all aspects of these fundamentals can be quantified. Such such as "good will" or changes in the economy or the consumer can be difficult to nearly impossible to calculate. However, to a large degree Fundamental Analysis throws these items out as concerns and simply looks at the cold hard facts which you do have available to you. Things such as costs of goods sold, margins, tangible assets, expenses, etc.

Armed with these basic and tangible numbers, one should rather easily be able to calculate the value and profitability of any business (given the numbers available and / or provided are accurate of course). Once a valuation is arrived at, the person performing the valuation can decide whether or not the market place (in this case the stock market) is applying what could be considered a fair market value to the stock. Certainly, when trying to make a profit on Wall Street, it is advisable to search out stocks which are (or at least appear are) being improperly or undervalued by the market. For the Fundamental Analyst, once an undervalued security is found, it's simply a matter of buying the stock and waiting for the market to realize the "more accurate" value of the security (assuming of course he / she is correct in their assumptions).
Find a cheap security, buy it and become rich. If only it was that simple. Or maybe it is? Just ask Mr. Buffett.

If the definitive work on Fundamental Analysis is provided by Graham and Dodd, then perhaps the definitive work on Technical Analysis is provided by Martin J. Pring in his book "Technical Analysis Explained". To quote this well regarded book on the definition of Technical Analysis:
"The technical approach to investing is essentially a reflection of the idea that prices move in trends which are determined by the changing attitudes of investors towards a variety of economic, monetary, political, and psychological forces. is an art - is to identify trend changes at an early stage and to maintain an investment post until the weight of the evidence indicates that the trend has reversed. "

Technical Analysis is nothing new. It has been used in one form or another for as long as stocks have been traded. In fact, the star character in one of my all favorite favorite books ("How I made $ 2,000,000 dollars in the stock market" by Nicholas Darvas) used mainly Technical Analysis principles in his investing - whether he knew it or not. However, "Charting" also commonly called "Chart Reading", which Technical Analysis is also referred to as, has become much more popular and broadly used inhaps only the last 20 to 30 years on Wall Street. This may be a large due in part to its more wide spread teaching and acceptance in colleges in more recent years.
If, based on my own experience and knowledge of this method of analyzing securities, I had to summarize all of the technical analysis down into one central idea, I would put it like this:

The corner stone of Technical Analysis is the concept that no single individual can ever hope to know as much about a security as the whole of Wall Street does at any given time. Because "Wall Street" is made up of everyone who is invested in - or may invest in - the stock market, their collective knowledge about any specific stock and / or the market is such that this mass of people and combined knowledge (ie Wall Street ) can valuate securities nearly instantaneously and far more accurately than any single individual.

As such, in the mind of the Technician, it follows that there must be no need to use something as "archaic" as Fundamental Analysis to value a stock, when everything known about the stock (and this includes the business fundamentals) is almost instantly reflected in the stock's price. In this situation, it would make much more sense to use the recent and historical trends and movements of the stock price to deduce not only the current fair market value of the stock, but where the price "may move" in the future. This future price movement is large extrapolated based on historical chart patterns and how the stock has recently expired in relation to support and resistance levels. Any Technical Analysis book worth its salt will quickly introduce you to chart patterns such as "double tops", "trend lines", etc. It is these patterns which are the core of Technical Analysis.

However, the question of whether or not these patterns on charts can always accurately predict future price movements of a stock is (and probably always will be) up for debate between Fundamental and Technical Analysts. If there is one fundamental (again no pun intended) flaw to Technical Analysis, it is that over the years Technical Analysis has been [incorrectly] extrapolated to mean that the market will "always perfectly" evaluate a security based on all information known by the markets. Unfortunately, that is not "always" the case.
This leads to mind a funny joke I once ran across in a book (I believe the book was by or about Warren Buffett) regarding how technical Analysis has been elevated to levels beyond its true capabilities:

A Technical Analyst and his friend were walking across the street. His friend noticed a $ 10 bill laying in the middle of the road and exclaimed, "Look, there is a $ 10 bill in the road". At which point the Technical Analyst said "If it were really a $ 10 bill, it would not be laying in the road".
This joke underscores the idea that Technical Analysis may not always evaluate the market without error. However, as long as you keep this point in mind, then Technical Analysis and chart reading can be a helpful tool in both investing and trading.

Finally, we should point out that the term "Quantitative Analysis" on Wall Street simply refers to someone (also sometimes referred to as a "Quant") who employs a mixture of both Fundamental and Technical Analysis in trying to properly evaluate stocks.

Good luck in the markets!

No permission is needed to reproduce an unedited copy of this article as long the About Author tag is left in tact and hot links included. Questions and comments can be sent to Ray at .

Friday, March 22, 2019

How to Make Money in the Nutrition Industry

Nutritional wellness make up a 12 billion dollar market industry and the number is continuing to go higher. Today now more than ever people are capitalizing on making money in the nutritional industry. Some individuals are selling nutritional products part-time for extra residual income while other use it as a full-time jobs. Making money in the nutritional industry may seem simple to some and difficult to others but there are tactics available to help you achieve a new financial goal in nutrition.

1. First of all you must identify with the products?

Most representative find products that best fits them which in term means that they are actually using the products. Some may only sell one products that they are using and have seen significant results in their own life which makes marketing the product much easier. Example the representative may have in the past experienced a low energy level and may have felt sluggish all the time when suddenly they were introduced to a certain product by a friend or saw a commercial. They tried it for some time and it work and in return that they wanted to share their testimony with other and get rewarded for it by meeting commission or gift like receiving the products free when other select to try the same product.

2. How do I get my product known?

Many people rely on certain market techniques like multi-level marketing (MLM) which is a bit intimidating for some because it may seem like a pyramid scheme which many are familiar with.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

How to Win the Lottery With the Law of Attraction - The 3-Step Daily Process

Using the law of attraction to win the lottery is like manifesting any other goal or desire, but sometimes it can be hard to know exactly what to do when trying to attract something very specific. This article is going to share a simple, 3-step process that you can use daily to begin attracting money through lottery wins.

Step One:

As with manifesting any goal, it is vital to visualize the output you want. In this case, you want to visualize yourself being a lottery winner. But there are several ways to do that, right? Any of them will work.

You can visualize yourself having already won and enjoying the money.

You can visualize yourself actually winning - seeing the winning numbers on your ticket.

You can visualize yourself winning but focus only on the emotional joy and excitement that you feel.

You can visualize yourself going to the lottery office to pick up your check.

You can visualize yourself going to the bank to deposit your check ... and so on.

Spend time each day (a minimum of 10 minutes a day) visualizing any or all of these scenes with a lot of excitement and happiness.

Step Two:

Let go of the desire to win when you are not actively visualizing. You do not want to obsess over it because that can quickly turn into "attachment" which will block the wins from arriving. (Have you noticed that when you want "need" to receive something it stays away?)

Instead, go about your daily activities and do not think too much about the lottery. Buy your tickets like usual - DO NOT spend excessively on tickets in the hopes that you will win faster; just buy the amount you normally do without you feel a strong nudge to buy an extra one.

Step Three:

Stay open to inspired nudges! Once you begin actively working with the law of attraction to win the lottery, you may start getting "feelings" about certain tickets, or a set of numbers may jump out at you and you'll get a feeling you should play them. Pay attention to these feelings and follow them when you can.

Do not be surprised if sometimes nothing comes from them sometimes - it's all part of the learning process as you develop your intuition and align with the income you are focusing on (winning). As you go along your hunches should get clear and more accurate.