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Monday, March 18, 2019

Keep Cool by Installing Air Conditioning Units

If you want to live a life which is healthy you need to breathe in fresh air. And if you have got an air conditioner at home the aircon units must be cleaned regularly and with proper care.

When you talk about aircon units there are two types. There is one which has a high cooling capacity and the other one has a lower one. The higher one is the wall mounted unit and can cool from 9000 to 24000 BTU / HR. it also has a ceiling and a cassette unit. The ceiling or the cassette id separate from the aircon unit and this has a cooling capacity from 18000 to 45000 BTU / HR. generally the price charged for the wall mounted units is around $ 50 but now it has declined to $ 30. The price for the cassettes or the ceiling unit services is around $ 60 but again it also has been decreed to $ 50 per unit.

If you get the aircon unit serviced once it will include the washing and the cleaning of the filters. It also includes the cleaning of the evaporator coils, the cleaning of the blower wheels, checks all the condenser units, the fan blade as well as the drain pipes. The services include the checking of all the electrical parts and the refrigerating system so that there are no noises and also a test run is provided so that there are no problems in future.

There are a lot of benefits if you get these check ups done. It also checks whether there is any water leakage or not and whether the air cooling systems are improving or not. All this is done to make sure that the life of the air cooling system is longer and that the people should breathe fresh air so that they remain healthy. It is also done so that the people would save on their money and they do not waste it in unnecessary check ups and getting the parts replaced.

If you ever need a technician in order to get your aircon air cooling system repaired they will always be available to get your system repaired and check it so that you so not face any further problems. If you ever are in need of emergency services these technicians will always be available for you. If the air conditioning system is not cooling, the water is leaking or the entire system has broken down, these technicians will always be available at your service.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

How To Start An Online Business - The Secret Is "Service"

If you're looking to cultivate any sort of business endeavour - online or otherwise - the most important thing that I have found is the role of SERVICE in what you're doing.

Service is NOT an arbitrary word used to describe whether you respond to customer support emails - it lies at the CORE of what determines whether a business venture will become successful or not.

Putting this into perspective, if you consider what a "business" actually "does" - we've witnessed a stark shift from a "production" to a "service" based model over the past 15 years.

Fuelled by the connectivity of the Internet & developments in engineering techniques, the way to "be productive" in the modern world (particularly the West) is to provision new products and tools. How they get made should be a secondary concern (very little profit in it).

The key - as opposed to historic production - is that it's no longer the case that having "production capacity" is a major deal... almost everybody has access to that.

What people don't have is a MARKET into which to offer their products. This market (depending on which type of company you end up cultivating) will then determine the PRICE of the product and whether it's something they'll consider using.

The point is that if you're looking to "get into" business, the absolutely most important thing you NEED to consider is what type of SERVICE you will be able to provide as a professional. This service - applied using either your own products/tools, or someone else's - is the real secret behind why some companies "always" seem to grow, whilst the majority struggle.

This tutorial aims to explain how it works, and what to do if you're looking to get involved in the world of enterprise.

Service Makes The World Go Round (Literally)

Most people get involved with "business" because they have an idea they wish to pursue.

Perhaps they wanted to create their own clothing line, have some sort of "lifestyle" business (winery/farm etc) or get involved with a particular field (cosmetics / modelling) - the hallmark of "failed" businesses typically starts with someone's wistful desire to "work for themselves".

This is a lie. People don't care that you started a "business" and all the stories you read about a 12-year-old CEO who's onto his fifth company are only there because the publication wanted some fresh hype to keep its readers coming back.

The simple reality is that the MAJORITY of people are only moved by necessity. How "necessary" they deem a product to be to their life is how much value they'll attribute to it (and thus a price).

The way to ensure that YOUR products are bought is to create a necessity for its usage. Don't even think about "selling" it - [most] people aren't stupid; they'll attribute a price to any product they deem as essential to their life. No one ever quibbled over the cost of life-saving heart-surgery... and the same principle exists in every other business. People pay you in direct proportion to how much you actually "give a damn" about what you're doing.

The most important thing is to realize is that "service" sits at the CORE of what makes people interested in a company.

It's not their "products" or even their "staff" - it's what they DO on a daily basis which drives RESULTS. This "activity" is what the market recognizes - and is ultimately attracted to.

Think about it.

  • Apple don't "manufacture" their products. They design them and come up with all the components etc. Their service is design.

  • Tesla do "manufacture" their products because no-one else can do it as well as them.

  • Amazon are really a digital logistics company - no one is able to store and send out as many parcels as effectively as them.

If you want to get into "business", come up with a RESULT that you can provide to a market.

  • 10,000+ Twitter followers in the first 60 days

  • 150+ YouTube subscribers in the next 90 days

  • Conversational Italian in 14 days GUARANTEED

  • Branding Lessons From Ferrari + Lamborghini

  • CUSTOM SHIRTS get you laid; CUSTOM SUITS get you paid

If you're looking to "start" a business, the absolute BEST thing you can do is look at what people are ALREADY looking to buy (just browse the "best sellers" section of any marketplace).

This gives you a direct indication of *exactly* what they have a budget for (what they're willing to PAY for). This allows you to provide this RESULT as a service (IE in your own way) - giving you the ability to start attracting clients by virtue of how effective you are at providing said results.

The BIGGEST issue I've seen is leading with a product, or even "solution". I hear it all the time - "what problem does your business solve"... hardly anyone buying a product actually thinks they have a "problem". Rather, they are looking for a particular SERVICE that can be provided to them to improve their life in some specific way. Or - as Gary Halbert said - "your marketing should make their pupils dilate".

Think about it like this - which would you rather do business with: "The World's LARGEST Social Media Agency" or "The ONLY Agency To GUARANTEE 10,000+ FOLLOWERS In The NEXT 30 DAYS Or Your Money Back ". Whilst the former works for established businesses, the latter works for ANY business - especially new ones.

Notice how you're not actually selling anything about the "process" of how you achieve the results? This comes afterwards; you need to stipulate EXACTLY what the buyer is going to get for their time/money, which in the case of "social media" is followers. For SEO, it's #1 Google ranks and for "programming", it's to create a "RECURRING SAAS BUSINESS".

Obviously, the way in which those various results are cultivated is vital. But the irony is no-one cares about how you do it... as long as it's legit.

This is why some companies "always" seem to win - their "service" is based around the provision of particular RESULTS. They ignore (outsource) everything else.

If Starting A Business, It "Pays" To Focus On Service

In conclusion, if you're looking at "starting" a business - the key is to forget yourself and focus entirely on the underlying results you can provide to the client.

If you don't have the skills to provide said results, you need to get to work building them up (which can be done on the job).

Think about every transaction from the perspective of what you can add to the engagement. Don't be afraid to "give away the family silver" (in terms of "secrets") - 99% won't compete with you, and the one guy who will rip you off will jump onto the next fad he finds.

The key thing you need to do from an enterprise perspective is to identify the various "services" which you're either able - or capable of - providing for anyone with the right budget.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

What Makes a Filipina Wife Happy?

This is a question I pondered for many years early on in my marriage to a Filipina lady. Men and women each have different "key drivers" of happiness. In addition, every multicultural marriage must deal with the fact that each party in the marriage comes to the union with a completely diverse data base of experiences as to what is morally right and wrong behavior, what is socially acceptable and unacceptable behavior, what are important and significant customs and mores, what is an appropriate conflict resolution style, what is appropriate dress and tone of communication, and on and on - all the myriad of cultural differences which surface (most commonly in times of stress and conflict).

Dictionaries define happiness as being in a condition of enjoyment, or characterized by well-being and contentment. Those are nice pretty words, but when trying to separate fact from fiction as to what is a state of enjoyment, well being and contentment, one must first learn what are those conditions.

A Filipina lady's key conditions of happiness generally are one or more of the following: (i) material possessions, (ii) high academic or professional achievement, (iv) lots of pleasure, (v) recognition, and (vi) strong and harmonious family relations. Whereas Westerners pride themselves on their independence, a Filipina's sense of self is derived from her family. The family is at the core of her existence. To be alone would be considered the ultimate curse.

Yet, a Western man is programmed from his youth onward that true happiness generally comes from one or more of the following: (i) material possessions, (ii) high academic or professional achievement, (iii) a grand reputation, (iv) lots of pleasure, and (v) freedom and independence. It is only after years of "climbing the corporate ladder" and "running the race" that one finally realizes that happiness is not a destination, but rather is a state of being during the journey.

Once we men get past the surface (usually after much self inflicted pain and suffering), we finally come to the realization that the true meaning of happiness is comfort, contentment and joy.

The crux of the matter therefore in WHAT makes a Filipina wife happy comes down to how to serve her so as to provide her attainment of each of the "key drivers" of happiness. It is all about joining into a deeper relationship which creates a condition of comfort, contentment, and joy for her - while still maintaining one's individual uniqueness as a human being. It is all about service. It is all about out serving your wife on a daily basis. Make it a goal every day to serve her in a way that emphasizes family and friends. Her strongest social urge is to be around people. Individualism is a very difficult concept for her to embrace.

A Filipina wife views a Western man as God-fearing, hardworking and deserving of much love, respect and admiration. Consequently, she looks to her husband for high moral and spiritual integrity. As such, she thinks he will be a spiritual, financial and moral leader of a family, providing comfort and protection. The essential in this regard is for the husband to lead in the marriage. Men crave respect, and a Filipina wife will keep her husband happy by showering him with respect, provided he leads and serves her with great sensitivity to her cultural values.

Tangible Symbols - Talismans for Affluence

Amulets (or objects that protect a person from trouble) and talismans (objects intended to bring good luck or protection) have been around since the dawn of man. Seriously, the first man probably saw a shell or a rock, picked it up, and thought, 'Hey, this is a great rock (or shell). I'll bet it's a special rock (or shell) and will bring me good luck and protect me from evil. "

And by saying it, he imbued it with meaning. That rock (or shell) might not have been special to any other person in the world, but to him, it was full of power.

Why not? It's human nature to become attached to things, to carry that baby blanket, to wear a crucifix necklace, to believe that a ring symbolizes love and commitment. It's beautiful, really, when you think about it. Human beings have been giving inanimate objects significance and asking them to protect us, connect us, give us luck, find us love, draw wealth and repel evil.

Amulets or talismans can be anything-gems, coins, stones, shells, rings, symbols, statues and even drawings or words.

My intention here is to focus on affluence-your affluence. And my question is: what symbol do you have on your body right now that symbolizes your affluence and your future relationship with affluence? It could be a hundred dollar bill. It could be a charm-like an acorn ready to grow into a tree. It could be an expensive watch. Whatever resonates with you.

Why? Well, when you have a symbol or talisman or amulet or charm which symbols wealth, you're carrying the process of persuasion. The process of persuasion equates to, in your mind, some large capability of improving your life or of some big end goal.

My father used to carry cross pins and I wanted to grow up and have my own set of cross pins. And when I was around sixteen, my dad got me my own gold cross pins. I was ecstatic. I thought I had really made it in life at that point. I had made it. And I loved them. I carried them everywhere. I'll carry them in T-shirts. I loved my cross pins. My friends would say, 'What are you wearing those for?' I'd say, 'My dad keeps them to me and I like them.'

Today, I carry a one ounce coin of gold and a one ounce coin of silver. Beyond being religious in nature they also are a very tangible symbol of wealth. First of all, it's really worth a lot of money today. I like that. Everyday, I commune with the coins and express my gratitude at how, in our current economy, they're really increasing in value significantly.

I like that they are absolutely real. If I wanted to go and cash them in today, I could go right now and cash them in.

The other thing these symbols do is ground us and remind us. If, every time you stick your hand in your pocket you feel the gold coin or nugget, if every time you need to know what time it is you gaze on that Rolex, if every time you get dressed in the morning and put on that gold or platinum necklace, well, then you've been reminded. I am a money magnet. I attract affluence on every level. I am grateful for what I have and what will soon be mine.

That's awesome! A beautiful constant reminder to remain ever focused on your affluence.

Few Guidelines When Buying a Laptop

When purchasing your next laptop, in addition to the choice of material or brand or characteristics, it is advisable to ensure the following features:

Weight: a laptop obviously will be transported, therefore it is essential to choose the lightest possible. Be careful however, sometimes the weight is stated without the external devices as DVD Writer.

Autonomy: The autonomy of the computer is directly dependent on the consumption of its components and the characteristics of the battery.

Type Ni-Mh battery: are more powerful than nickel-cadmium batteries.

Type Li-Ion battery: rechargeable batteries fitted to most laptops. The Li-Ion batteries offer excellent performance for a modest cost. In addition, the Li-Ion batteries do not suffer from memory effect, which means that it is not necessary to empty the battery completely before recharging the unit.

Type Li-Polymer battery has performance equivalent to the Li-Ion batteries, but much lighter as the liquid electrolyte (or ionic solution) and the micro porous separator of Li-Ion batteries are replaced by a much lighter solid polymer (polyacrylonitrile). However this type of battery is not an asset because the charging time is greater and their life is relatively low. It typically defines the autonomy of the laptop by the average time of activity of the laptop in standby / use.

Temperature of operation: The various components of a laptop work results in an increase in temperature that sometimes could be really high. Overheating could appear too, especially when the laptop works with the screen closed, because this could prevent a good heat dissipation (Joule effect).

Noise: For some models of laptops, the fans used for heat dissipation could be really noisy. It is also the case for the motors driving the rotating hard drives or CD / DVD. It is strongly advised to seek information on the noise level of the computer when it works.

Laptops are more practical than the desktops. You will have the ability to work wherever you go and this could be fun. Probably you will spend a bit more than for a desktop, but if you want to save some money there are always refurbished laptops offers.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Owner Builder Construction Loans Made Easy to Understand!

Congratulations on your wise decision to build and / or contract the construction of your Dream Home! Provided you follow sound construction wisdom and building practices you will find this decision to be one of the most profitable and enjoyable experiences of your life!

One of the most vital aspects of the home construction process is the construction loan and it's structure! Over the last 3-5 years Owner Builder Construction Loans have come along long way and despite the sub-prime mortgage woes and credit crunch there is still plenty of money to be lent to owner builders! From a lenders vantage point, construction loans have proven to be some of the lowest risks, best performing loans for lenders because people who build a home generally LOVE those homes and are more likely to live in the home longer than non-owner built homeowners! So the first thing you want to understand is that the banks really DO WANT YOUR BUSINESS! (Provided you have good credit and assets!)

Qualifying for a Construction Loan is really not much different than qualifying for a standard real estate loan but there are some additional considerations that you need to think about. Things like the total cost, the type home of you will build and whether you will have Builder overs or not. I strongly suggest that at a minimum you pay to have a builder of record who assists and / or manages the construction site, trades and project for you. You also want to identify and gather all of your income, checking and other financial data so that you are well prepared for the application process.

There are (2) primary types construction loans:

# 1 - Interim Construction Loan - this is a short term loan, that must be refinanced or paid off entirely at the completion of construction. The downside to this particular loan is that your closing costs are higher due because you have two separate closures and they are higher risk because you can not lock the interest rate of your end loan. The primary benefit to an interim construction loan lies in that it allows you to pull out (or access the equity and get cash) of the home upon completion. In most states this is accomplished via a home equity line of credit. I personally only advise accessing this equity when you have had a basic assessment since the beginning of construction and / or you plan on investing the proceeds into good low-risk cashflow producing real estate!

# 2 - One-time Close Construction Loan - this loan is quickly becoming the industry standard because of the numerous advantages built into the loan. For starters, this loan has no interest rate risk because you can lock the interest rate the day you are approved and that interest rate can be reserved as far as 1 year in advance! (HUGE BENEFIT!) Another major benefit over the Interim Construction Loan is that the one-time Close Loan only has 1 closing so you only have to pay closing costs once! When structured properly you can also roll all of your soft costs (soil tests, surveys, engineering & plans) into the loan as opposed to paying them in advance out of pocket!

Now that we know what the (2) primary options are for financing our Custom Dream Home, let's look at some tips and strategies to be mindful of as you go about planning your project. Now there are several Owner Builder Construction Loan programs that will literally lend you the money and let YOU manage / build your own Custom Dream Home without any other builder oversight ! (certain states have Builder requirements) Personally I recommend against building without any builder oversight unless you are a builder yourself because the loans that allow this tend to be very expensive and most do not offer the One Time Close option so you end up spending several thousands dollars in additional interest and lender costs that could have been saved! I also recommend against this because it is an extreme amount of financial risk and liability to build a home if you have never built a home before !

Here are a few other money saving considerations to be mindful of respecting Construction Loans:

  1. Structure your loan so that you do not have ANY payments during the construction period!
  2. Add the "Float-down" option when locking the interest rate so that if rates drop during construction you can get the new lower rate!
  3. Confirm your building schedule with your builder to ensure that you have enough drawings. (draws = check disbursements)
  4. Be sure that you have a survey completed once the home construction has been completed. (the mortgage company will need it!)
  5. Always add additional time to the interest rate lock period as construction always takes longer than planned!

Any one of the (5) tips above could save you thousands and thousands of dollars and a gang of headaches! I have seen people lose plenty of money and time because no one shared these Essential Owner Builder Construction Loan tips! But you on the other hand are well-equipped with this information but this still only scratches the surface of the full scope of building your Custom Dream Home! In my practice I see people who take the time and invest in their education and I also see those who throw caution to the wind and ignorantly jump in head-first with no guidance! Months later, the results always seem to show that the cream rises to the top and those who have not thoroughly equipped themselves, hired a professional team of experts and followed their advise seem to have lackluster results at best and a huge financial catastrophe at worst!

I wish you the best on the construction of your Custom Dream Home!

Choosing the Right Gold Refiners

Is there anything hotter than gold right now? Probably not! With the price for this precious metal soaring through the roof thanks to the uncertainties in today's world economy, it's more important than ever to choose the right gold refiners to help you maximize your investment. Whether you are a jeweler who is capitalizing on people's trade-ins or you run a business that creates gold scrap or sweeps as a by-product of your manufacturing process, here are some things to look for that will help you know you are choosing high quality gold refiners.

Longevity in the Business: Yes, there are refiners out there who exist strict because of the current market. You only want to deal with a service that has been in business through all the ups and downs and who has earned longevity in a competitive business through hard work, extensive knowledge and integrity.

You Can Watch the Process from Start to Finish: There should be no secrets in the gold refining process. A good company will allow you to accompany your materials and watch them turn from gold into cash for you!

Variety of Payment Options: These are difficult times, and everyone has a different system for keeping an eye on their bottom lines. Insist on going with a company that offers a variety of payment systems, ie cash, check, wire transfer, bullion or even exchange of products that will give you the flexibility to do business your way.

There are distinct differences in range of services, customer attention and other important factors when you are choosing among gold refiners. It's worth taking your time to do a little research-and-compare among possible candidates.