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Monday, January 7, 2019

Auto Theft Tips

By using some of the tips provided in this article, it is our intention that your car will not be a statistical.

Some of the advice given here may seem common knowledge but you would have surprised how easy some of this slips your mind! Always remember to roll up your windows and lock your door even if you park your car in front of your home. Car thieves do lurk in every neighborhood. Turn your car off and lock the doors when you're making a quick run to the gas station or convenience store. Your car could get stolen in the two minutes it took you to run into the gas station to buy a bottle of soda. Never leave valuables such as jewelry or electronics in plain view. I can not tell you how many college students have been stumped to find that their car was stolen because they left their wallet and MP3 player in the passenger side seat. It happens every day in the college neighborhood I frequently visit. There is a very popular device that is used by millions of drivers, including myself. This device is called The Club. It locks the steering wheel of your car.

There are similar devices that will lock the brakes or steering column as well. These devices typically steer car thieves in another direction, as it is nearly impossible or too time consuming to try to get the device off. It is highly recommended to purchase one of these devices for your car. Make sure to get each of your windows etched with your Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN). Not only does this help trace your car if it would happen to get stolen, it is a turn off for thieves and they are less likely to take a chance on your car. A new technique car thieves are using is towing cars. To avoid this happening to you, make sure to use your emergency brake in park and turn your wheels toward the curve. If you have a security system in place, use it.

It is recommended to have it upgraded as well. There is now a system called the Kill Switch that will automatically cut off the fuel supply so that your car will not start. It is a good idea to invest in auto theft devices like The Club. It is always a safe bet to use more than one device. There are plenty of devices that will lock your steering column and brakes so that it makes it harder for a thief to steal your vehicle. And since time is an issue with thieves, they do not want to waste any trying to disable your devices. A highly recommended device is a vehicle tracking system. This device activates when your car is stolen and police are alerted to the location for prompt recovery.

Instant Car Insurance Quote - Save Money and Your Car Too

Car insurance is must because you never know when what damage can occur to your new car. Owning a car is not so easy and therefore, after buying your favorite car would you like to loose it? Even though anything bad happens to your car, after insuring it you will get this relief at least that the money will be back to you. Therefore, everybody should practice the insuring system; the moment one buys a car. For that you can look for instant car insurance quote.

For the best and cheap insurances you can take help of the online search engines. The websites containing such insurance quotes are quite helpful as here you will get the option to find out your favorite deal. As the quotes made by the companies are being highlighted, you will be easily able to decide which one will be good. The online services are also being considered to be the best for fast services. There is assurance for the clients to receive fast response from the car insurance companies and therefore, getting your car insured faster with the best deal is quite easy. Instant car insurance quote is therefore; best to be searched on the Internet.

The price of the insurance actually is based in the price of the car. To get insurance with low premiums will be easier if your car is of lower value. Moreover, certain other things too are given importance and these are like the size and model of your car, the driving record of the driver, his experiences, the use of the car and many more.

Such insurances will help you in getting the value of the car back even if it gets damaged due to accidents or fire. Also, insurance papers help in proving your ownership if ever you get involved in some accidents.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Weight Machines

You will find weight machines at every health club but some people find them really complicated. This article explains what these machines are, how they work and what their advantages are.

Weight machines are easy to operate. You start by adjusting your seat and then either push or pull a bar or a set of handles. The handles are connected to a chain, cable or lever that are connected to a stack of rectangular-shaped weights, weighing 5-50 pounds. To lift 20 pounds you simply stick a metal peg through the hole of the 30-pound weight.


Here are some of the reasons why you should use weight machines in your workout:

  • They are safe. They are ideal for beginners because if you run out of strength during an exercise you can let go without fear of a heavy weight dropping on your body.

  • They require little balance or coordination. Most weight machines hold your body in the correct position unlike "free weights." For example, if you do a shoulder press on a weight machine you just sit on a chair and push the handles up but with a barbell you have to not only push the bar up but stay steady and balanced at the same time.

  • You can work on specific muscles. Traditional weight machines let you focus on one muscle, which is great if you're trying to correct a specific weakness. An example of this is where you want to strengthen your hamstrings or rear thigh muscles. There is a weight machine that holds your body in position while you bend your legs and target your hamstrings. If you use free weights to accomplish the same task you'll probably end up working your front-thigh and butt muscles too.

  • Faster workouts. With weight machines you can set up the exercise much quicker than you can with free weights. You simply adjust the seat (if necessary) and stick the metal peg through a hole instead of removing free weights off a rack and sliding them on and off a barbell. Also, gyms and health clubs usually have weight machines grouped together, which make it quick and easy to move between them and enables you to complete a whole body workout in about 20 minutes.


  • Can be boring. After a while, you and your muscles will probably get bored of using machines. So, mix in some free weights after a while and learn to strengthen the same muscles with different exercises.

  • Don't fit every body. Most machines are designed for people who are between 5 feet 4 inches and 6 feet 2 inches tall. So, if you're outside this range the machine may feel uncomfortable. If that's the case, try another machine or choose free weights to target the same muscle group.

  • Isolate each muscle group. This can be an advantage (see above) but it can be a disadvantage because it's not how our muscles work in our daily lives. In everyday life, our muscles work in groups so it makes sense to work them in the same way in the gym.

  • You can't take them with you. If you're going away on business or vacation you won't be able to take weight machines with you, so take some free weights with you and you'll have no excuse not to workout!

Hopefully, after reading this article you're not intimidated by weight machines, are persuaded that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and are ready to incorporate them in your workouts.

Make Money With Websites - So Many Ways, So Little Time

Hey are you trying to figure out how to make money with websites?

Good Lord, there are so many ways to make money with websites I can barely count them all.

Here, I'll rattle off a few for you real quick like.


Ok, throw up a blog and there are several ways to make money with websites. Real quick and easy you can give some space to Google AdSense and earn money off ads that your visitors click on. Once you have the site built up a little, you can provide a banner and either sell that space to an individual advertiser or subscribe to a site that pays you each time users click on your banners or buy trough your banners.

So how we doing so far? Do not blink because I'm about to rattle of some more ways to make money with websites.


Lets talk about forums for a few, and how to make money with websites that contain a forum. Forum sites are a lot like blog sites in that you can make money through Google AdSense or sell banner space.

Once your forum gets a good following, you can turn it into a subscription only forum and charge visitors a month fee to use it. The great thing about this method is that you have created a recurring revenue stream as well.Even if you do not make the entire forum subscription, you can charge for access to specific areas of the forum.


The last method we will go over today is At you can create little websites that allow you to sell products through various methods. You can build these websites without knowing a thing about writing code or anything else.

I'm telling you, it's a piece of cake and you really should check it out.

Learn How to Recondition Battery and Save Money

Learning how to recondition battery is the solution to restore old batteries to new again. This is an ideal solution for people who often discard batteries when they stop functioning after a period of time and purchasing new ones again and again. Just imagine the amount of money everyone can save by reconditioning these old batteries.

There is a common misconception among many people in regards to recharging and reconditioning for being identical. The fact is that recharging a battery only gives charge for a period of time, however, battery reconditioning means restoring the battery to its full capacity.

When you learn how to recondition battery, you will eventually come across various methods of approach. Some people may use mechanical tools to reclaim them, and some others will build new devices. Some experts even place their batteries in a freezer through the night and then recharging it. This process takes about 3 full cycles for the battery to start working again. Also, some chargers come along with the option of reconditioning and they do work extremely well with fridge pre-conditioned batteries.

There are many companies out there that offer reconditioning services, however, homeowners can do it themselves by buying a reconditioner. In fact, some batteries do not require a special reconditioner and can be easily reconditioned by draining the battery completely with the help of a battery powered device or a resistive circuit that discharges the battery safely and then charging it as per normal.

All types of batteries, including the latest car batteries can be reconditioned, but if the reconditioning process is done by the users, it has to be handled with extreme care as they do contain dangerous acids. Before learning how to recondition battery, it is essential to understand the various battery types and know exactly how it should be appropriately handled.

Inflation Goes Global

Over the past year, a not-so-funny thing happened ...

Prices for nearly everything we import into this country went up in a big way.

In a textbook case of "be careful what you wish for," inflation appears to be marching back into the global economy in monster-like fashion: You think he's dead, but that's only so you will lower your guard.

The interesting thing is that it's not just a US phenomenon. It's starting to happen everywhere .

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said last week that US import prices rose 0.2% in February after even larger increases in the prior two months.

That's the largest 12-month jump in import prices since the start of 2012. But the fascinating part is that the jump had nothing to do with oil prices. In fact, petroleum import prices dropped 0.7% in February.

Instead, it was large price gains in the big, boring, important stuff - like industrial supplies - that moved the needle. We have been reporting that North American orders for industrial robots went up significantly in the fourth quarter of 2016. Compared to year-ago levels ...

  • Machinery and other high-value goods rose 7%.
  • Building materials jumped 5%.
  • Food, beverages and animal feed went up 3.8%.
Over the last 12 months, the price of stuff we ship into the country from everywhere rose 4.6%.

What makes this trend worth watching is that it's not limited to the United States, where higher prices and higher overall inflation alongside a reviving economy might be expected.

It's happening in Switzerland, where consumer price inflation hit its fastest pace since the middle of 2011.

Nor were Germans spared, where prices jumped 2.2% in February (after 1.9% gain the prior month) - the largest jump since 2012. It's even leading to calls for the European Central Bank (ECB) to shift toward rising rates again.

"It's high time for the ECB to move away from its ultra-loose monetary policy," said one of Germany's provincial finance ministers.

In Mexico, higher prices for automobiles helped push the annual inflation rate to its highest level in seven years.

It's the same story in Turkey, where inflation levels rose more than 10% - the first time it happened in this important emerging market since 2012.

I can not say I'm surprised. We've been calling for this sort of thing to happen for more than a year.

That prospect will give the Federal Reserve plenty of cover to raise rates further. But it also creates lots of opportunities.

And with gold having sold off from the $ 1,260-an-ounce level a month ago back to a recent $ 1,200, this makes a perfect time to start placing your bets for speculation and protection as that old star of yesteryear - inflation - sweeps back onto the world economic stage.

A Guide to Sizing a Diesel Generator

Note: Diesel Generator applications can be quite complex, involving many different site specific elements to be considered. This article presents a basic guide to sizing a diesel generator. It assumes basic knowledge of power calculations.

Diesel Generator sizing involves calculating the following load factors:

1. The continuous load operating at any given time

2. Derating factors

3. Transient performance

4. Non Linear loads

The size required will be determined by the maximum demand from one of the above load factors. We will now expand on each one.


· Calculate the total kVA for all motors and machinery that will be operating at one time

· Calculate the total kVA for all heating / air conditioning that will be operating at one time

· Calculate the total kVA for all lighting that will be operating at one time

The run kVA (rkVA) equals the sum of the maximum possible load demand at one time.


Common de-rate elements are:

· Altitude

· Ambient temperature

· Dust

· Humidity

· Power Factor

Each diesel generator will have their own de-rate characteristics to each item, since their technical data must be referred to. If more than one de-rate applies the multipliers become cumulative.

When de-rates apply the continuous rating of the generator is reduced by the multiplier.


When a motor starts its initial kVA (start kVA) is larger than its run kVA. This occurs due to initial inrush current required to start the motor. The skVA can be several times the rkVA causing an initial larger load demand and resulting voltage voltage at the terminals. In general, a voltage dip greater than 25% can cause the generator to stall / shutdown, since becoming an important element to consider. Generators have specific starting voltage characteristics that must be considered.

Various starting methods are used in applications to reduce the skVA.Each will have their own performance characteristics and will provide their starting impact. Technical data can be obtained from the manufacturers.

Motors that come on line at various stages, calculations are based on the highest possible demand scenario. When there is more than one motor starting simultaneously the total skVA is the sum of each of the motors skVA


Non-linear loads (NLL) are defined as electrical equipment that draw non sinusoidal current from the supply source (diesel generator) causing harmonics in the current waveform, which in turn causes distortion in the voltage waveform. Current distortion (ID) is a function of the number pulses. The degree of distortion can cause instability in the loads control system and generators excitation system.

For a diesel generator to be able to limit the voltage distortion (VD) the alternator must have a sub-transient reaction (X "d) at a level (lower the better) that allows for this.

There are several guide / charts that take input of ID% and acceptable VD% and provide the X "d that must not be exceeded.

The diesel generator selected must have an alternator that operates within the X "d limit. For applications where the NLL is a high percentage of the total load an oversized alternator may be required.


Once the maximum kVA for each of the load factors are determined the size of the diesel generator will be that of the highest demand and hence meeting demands of remaining load factors.

As it can be seen sizing a diesel generator can be quite complex. This guide is basic and was written to provide awareness to the considerations required when sizing a generator. This discussion can be expanded into great detail, in which consideration may be required to provide the correct sizing of the diesel generator.