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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Make Money Selling Hair Online

In this age of technology with millions of online ads, gimmicks, and schemes to make money at home, it is easy to get cooked up in the excitement of getting rich quick. The truth is, there is no way to get rich quick, but you can make real money selling hair online.

If you know anything about the world of beauty and fashion, you are aware of this billion dollar industry and weaving hair is used by all nationalities, men and women, even children. Yes men - stylists have made it possible for men with fading or complete hair loss to gain hair and bears with special applications and techniques.


The big question is how much money can be made? Well this is a question that is asked by anyone starting a business, right! The answer is you can make as little or as much as you can promote? What does that mean? Well, do you have a large social media following? Are you a stylist a large clientele? Do you have a website or a blog that sells products? Are you just a smalltime, work at home girl doing hair on the side? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, it is possible for you to make real money selling hair without even leaving your home. You promote your website, have your clients order their hair and you reap the benefits.


With so many different types of hair, it can be overwhelming for individuals to choose. Budget can be another factor in choosing hair. But let's take a look ...

When you walk into your local hair store, you see the cheapest hair upfront or in clearance boxes on the floor, right! But have you not noticed how the best hair is either behind the counter or enclosed in locked cabinets. That's right, people do steal hair! The quality is everything. You will be selling the type of hair that is locked up or kept behind the glass enclosure.

Now that hair kept under lock and key is there for a reason - it's expensive. While that $ 9.99 per bundle pack looks appealing, and is always first choose for individuals on a budget, it is your job to convince them that the better quality hair will last longer and can be used multiple times. So how can this be done?

Well there are a number of ways. The best way, once you convince them your product is the best, offer a three payment plan. They can make three payments and when the third installment is paid you can order the hair and sometimes offer a discount on the install.

Another way is to explain how long the hair will last. Spending $ 75.00 on hair every 3-4 weeks is far more expensive than spending $ 145-160 and having it last a month or two.

Lastly, your clientele may be those that know about quality and require no convincing. You just direct them to your site, have them place the order and they can bring the hair when they come for their appointment.

Regardless of how the order is placed, one of the great perks that is always offered is a 15% discount when you order three or more bundles. This is a great incentive for your customers and should be marketed as such.


So now let's move on to the good stuff, the benefits and perks of signing up with such a great company. Keep in mind this is not your ordinary wholesaler where you order hair in bulk and have to store it yourself in order to get a discount. It is also not a drop shipper where you have a pay a 2-3% fee each time you want to place an order.

The truth is, it costs you absolutely nothing to get started and at no time do you have to touch the hair, handle shipping or returns, store hair or worry about customer inquiries. This is all done by the company.

Take a look at some of the benefits for yourself:

  1. To sign up, you will only need to provide your name and telephone number - a representative will contact you.
  2. Once accepted, you will create a name for your website and one will be created specifically for you. The website is totally free, no hosting fees, no technical knowledge needed.
  3. You'll receive 30% off your first order with a promo code that will be sent to you after you register as a stylist
  4. You are paid 15% commission from every sale and get paid every Wednesday. You can be paid via direct deposit through PayPal, Venmo or paper check.
  5. For every $ 600.00 worth of sales, or if you refer a stylist who makes at least $ 100.00 in sales, you will receive $ 100.00 in hair credit. This can be used to buy bundles for yourself or offer extra incentives for clients such as an additional $ 10, 15, 20 off of their next purchase.
  6. Offer your customers one of the best guarantees ever - The 30 Day guarantee offer means you can wear it, dye it, flat iron, etc. and if you do not love your hair, it can be replaced within 30 days of purchase. Yes, it's true! If you simply do not like the hair, which I doubt, you can return any unopened packages for a full refund. Hair must be in the original packaging and condition. How many companies can offer that type of guarantee?
There are multiple options for your clients including 100% virgin Brazilian and Peruvian: Straight, Yaki, Kinky, Wavy, Water Wave, Deep Wave, or Curly. There are also 360 Frontals, Closures, Dyed Hair, Closures, Clip-Ins, Tape-Ins, and the new addition of wigs for those clients who do not want sew-ins.

With some many selling options, you are not limited to just weaving hair. Promote wigs, go hard with a 360 frontal, and even the dyed hair. The more you promote the better your sales will be.

So are you ready to make real money selling hair online? All you have to do is visit the site, submit your name and number and a representative will contact you. From there, if you are accepted (you must be a stylist with a clientele and have experience with hair. This could be at home, in a salon, or even a traveling stylist), you will provide your website name and your website will be setup.

Once up and running, you can use the marketing materials, order samples to show customers or even take advantage of the super discount and use yourself as a model for the great hair you will be offering. In addition, you can bring others on and earn additional income.

This business model is a win / win for the customer and client. Stop letting your clients give their money to someone else and get it all by sending them to your website today.

Strong Attributes Of Top Network Marketing Companies

You may currently be in a place where you are ready to start your own business. However, in order for you to proceed further, you searched top network marketing companies so you can be able to compare and contrast. Much more, you can even gain inspiration as to how can you maneuver your business in a way so that you will also be successful.

However the process of filtering out companies that are considered at the top of their game is nonetheless very tedious. For all we know, they are claiming that they are the top and everyone claims such. Here, the process of taking out the weeds from the best will begin. Here are key attributes for the top network marketing companies.

One strong attribute of any good marketing company is their market stability. This can be done by observing the number of years the said company has been in business. Typically, the ones that stayed for years and even decades must be noted upon. This also gives insight and foretells the endurance of the business as evidenced by the number of years they have been around.

The next attribute for the top network marketing companies would be their strong support. With support, this shows they do care for their distributors more than anything else in the world. If a network marketing company happens to be easily accessible by their customers / distributors that is a great sign. Mainly because they do not want to lose their distributors and want to maintain the said working relationship for a long period of time.

Another attribute that you can check on with network marketing companies would be their infinite supply of support and assistance. As such some would even offer webinars and seminars for their distributors and for anyone interested. This only shows that they are willing to teach others and be supportiveive no matter what your experience level is.

With all these qualities and more, you can be able to filter out the top network marketing companies amidst the many others.This way you can be able to get the one that you can really consider joining.

The World of Natural and Spiritual Fruits

"The Holy Bible" is a binding of 66 small booklets in it. They are not like a stitched clothe, in which 66 pieces of cloth are stitched together to form clothe. Bible is like a knitted clothe without joint patches in it. 66 booklets are written by many authors, in different places, in different periods, yet Biblical words and verses are amazingly inter-linked to each other, to explain the details of all subjects, uniformity of God's plans and purposes, secretes and truths of times and many more things!

I think, therefore, Jesus always wore knitted Gown to indicate symbolically, the words of true living God of creation called "The Bible" (While crucifying, Jesus' gown was given by lots). Therefore "The Holy Bible" is amazingly unique book.

Only reading Bible is like a boat trip in a sea. You can enjoy only surface views around that sea, no doubt! Areal view over the same sea will show few more, additional details. General Bible survey is like that. But if you want to see the unseen views of the same sea, then you dive deep in that sea and enjoy hidden views in the bottom of the sea as well. It is harder, but can be beneficial; you may find a pearl, hidden in some shell there! Pearls are not found on the surface or in the air. They are always in depths. Bible study with reference Bible is like a deep diving, where the pearls of Biblical truths are hidden.

Human life is full of joys and sorrows. We become happy when things go right for us and become sad if they go wrong. If we compare moments of joys against sorrows, then we find the moments of sorrows are many more than the moments of joys; in every individual's life. Sorrows can be in, big, bigger and biggest extents. It is only disaster, which make many people's lives sorrowful, at a time. Disasters strike in great, greater and greatest extents, every now and then and make human lives miserable on this planet. There are:- (A) Man made Disasters (B) Natural Calamities (C) Supernatural / from God / Biblical Judgments. Which is the greatest disaster in human history, occurred on the earth, so far? May occur in the future?

(A) Man made Disasters: - Arms and ammunition? 1st & 2nd world wars together? World war 3rd? Star wars?

(B) Natural Calamities: - Hurricanes? Worst Tsunami? Biggest earth quakes? Volcano eruptions? A fall of huge asteroid on earth? A fall of some planet or a fall of some star on the earth?

(C) Biblical Judgments: - Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah? Noah's flood? Murder of Son of God, Jesus Christ, on the cross by human beings? All end time disasters put together? First think over all above questions again. Then prepare your own answer. Then only read an answer bellow Answer: - I think, none of the "YES" answers given, for any question above is correct! Are you surprised? From my Biblical point of view, a very simple act of eating forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is "The only greatest disaster, ever occurred in the history of mankind". I believe it is the only root cause of every sin/sorrow/calamity which struck/strike earth in any period - past / present / future. If I add together all above disasters, calculate their total impact, yet the same root cause pops up; at its base. In my personal Bible study, I found word "Fruit" is one of the most important Bible words in human lives. In my last article "Purpose of Human Creation on Earth" I have written following extra ordinary purposes of natural fruits in the Garden of Eden, when humans were created in imperishable earthen bodies by God.

(1) The only human food. Adam & Eve were nourished on varieties of fruits. In The Garden of Eden. Their main work was - They were gardeners in Eden. "Fruits" gave them job and food too!

(2) The fruits of the knowledge of good and evil, were never created for humans (Gen.2:17, 3:3) they were created only for Satan and his fallen angels. The fruits were like arms for humans in the war with Satan and his angels, while protecting earth from Satanic attacks.

(3) The fruits of life were for well beings of humans (Gen 2: 9, 16, Ezk. 47:12, Rev. 2:7, 22:2). Even during the wars with satanic forces, the fruits were like shields or medical cover for humans. After eating forbidden fruit human bodies became weak and perishable by death. God drove them out of Eden Garden and guarded the tree of fruits of life God did not want weak and perishable human's bodies to eat those fruits and live in that form for ever. Now God wanted them to die, dissolve in clay (Gen.3:22 - 24). A strange story is written in (Gen. 6:14). How come sons of God i.e. angels could marry; fallen human's daughters; on earth, without God's permission? But fallen angels under Lucifer's advice can certainly do so. (Fallen angels were sons of God too! example - The prodigal son, even after his fall is also called son only).

After deceiving humans, Satan acquired partial possession of earth. Due to God given blessings, fast increasing human population became the hindrance for Satan in taking full possession of earth. Though solution above looked clever; on the hindrance, but the main problem was even greater, read (Matt.22: 23-30), verse 30 clearly tells angels cannot marry. There is no record of sex, of heavenly beings, in the Bible.

Celestial bodies of heavenly beings are imperishable and without sexes, they are only creations they do not reproduce like creatures on earth. Even God in heaven has son Jesus, without any Goddess being in heaven. Bible explains God himself gave birth to his son Jesus (Psm.2:7, John 3:16, Heb.5:5). How come? Read (John 1:1), Jesus was God's word. The word was inside God. God spoke my mouth. Jesus came out. Thus Jesus was born in heaven. By some amazing ways; similar to this; God's power worked wonders, in the creations of heavenly beings. Even on earth, cubs of lions (and all cat families) are born through mouths only!

But when same Jesus had to take birth on earth in human form, God chose righteous virgin Marry for Jesus' birth. Marry conceived Jesus directly in her womb by the power of Holy Spirit. There was no any sexual union of Joseph and Marry till Jesus' birth. Joseph and Marry gave birth to their other children by usual human sexual union, excluding Jesus. Why? Jesus was the son of God,God; who is Holy of holy. Therefore, only Jesus was sent on earth from heaven to save sinful mankind. In Jesus' humanly life-time every aspect of holiness to fulfill was mandatory, for the sinful humans' salvation.

Bible describes Jesus as a bridegroom and the church as his bride. After the rapture, their marriage is to take place in heaven and honeymoon too (spiritual union), description of Church resurrected in imperishable body (Eve) for the spiritual unity with Jesus (Adam 2nd). Not for any sexual relationship. Read better proof in (Matt.22:23to30), Jesus personally answered in verse 30; no sexual relationships are there in heaven.

So Lucifer, under his authority must have chosen; some of his fallen angels; for his above mission. He made them to change their imperishable celestial bodies into perishable celestial bodies by eating the fruits of forbidden tree. Remember, only three of fruits of life were guarded in The Garden of Eden. But the tree of forbidden fruits was kept free, open and without guards. Only after such major change, selected fallen angels were able to marry fallen human's daughters to reproduce Children who became like giants, like super humans, due to the blood combination of perishable earthly bodies now with perishable celestial bodies. This was against God's plan for his foot stool i.e. EARTH.

God wanted only humans, though in perishable earthen bodies; to rule the earth, not giants! No; any human hybrids with angels or earthly creatures. Lucifer must have tried the same and similar experiments on many creatures on earth. Therefore, at last, God had to destroy the whole world by flood.

Only God fearing Noah family's blood remained pure and safe from above contamination. Therefore, God saved them and also pure pairs of all creatures. Noah's flood was also a first purification of the world. It is called symbolic Baptism of water (1 Pet.3:20-21) - made for the Second or New creation on the earth.

By above story (explanation) I proved again that, eating of forbidden fruits became the root cause of whole world's destruction in the Bible, once upon a time! Some extra ordinary natural fruits, outside The Garden of Eden.

(4) Mandrake Fruits: - * A story of Mandrake fruits is enclosed in it (Gen.30: 14 to 24). (It is given in the form of a table at the end of this article for your quick reference) (5) Biblical Fruits means Children too!-

(a) In some Bible translations children are also termed as "fruits of womb" (Gen.1:22, 9:1, 30:2, 35:11, Ex.1:7). They come out of their mothers' wombs, like fruits emerge from trees. As per this aspect Jesus was born of God, so God was a mother of Jesus but Jesus always called God "The father" why? We have seen that there are no sexes in heaven therefore while identifying heavenly beings like God, Jesus, Angels, 24 elders in heaven etc. God used only a single masculine gender in the Biblical grammar. No use of feminine gender at all. But same Jesus was born on earth as a male child to replace fallen Adam therefore, he is called second Adam. On earth Jesus became physically "fruit of woman's womb" (with respect to God created laws for earth).On earth Jesus was physically with his earthly parents but spiritually Jesus was connected only to his heavenly father for most of the time. In (Mark 3: 33-35) Jesus indicated it clearly. These verses also show Jesus' spiritual relationships with human individuals (in terms of their earthly sex status). But group of righteous people in church is termed as the spiritual bride of Jesus (who is second Adam). Jesus is coming back soon to rule on earth for one thousand year. Then every person will be like a part of one body called "The Church", its relationship with Jesus as his spiritual wife.

(b) But only after, Day of Judgment, in the heavenly kingdom; on the New Earth, only saved people who were resurrected in imperishable and glorious bodies will be like angels (sexless). Only on The New Earth Jesus will be calling them as his "brothers" (Heb. 2:11). There won't be any spiritual sister or spiritual mother for Jesus, from the old earth. Even whole saved church will not be termed as Jesus' spiritual wife there. Mankind's brotherly relations will be there with Jesus, with one another and also with other heavenly beings in the actual sense. Therefore, "sisterhood" or "motherhood" is not highlighted so much in the Bible.

(c) Some gentiles in Canaan used to offer their children to their Gods / Goddesses. God the creator did put Abraham in such test but stopped him just before sacrificing his son Isaac. But God allowed the holy sacrifice of his own son Jesus on the cross for the salvation of mankind. Is it not strange?

(5) No doubt, Children are as sweet as fruits. Biblical comparison too agrees. But they are certainly not eatables like fruits. Jesus, offered himself just like an eatable fruit for his saved ones. By the mandatory ritual of "Lord's Supper". In the actual ritual, bread = symbol of Jesus' flesh and wine (grape fruit Juice!) = symbol of his blood, are served. Mainly two consumable parts are there, in most of fruits i.e. the pulp (flesh of the fruit) and the juice in the fruit (blood of the fruit) that is how the "fruit of Mary's womb" i.e. Jesus, who became a fruit of life, why? For the restoration for human bodies and for the restoration of human relationship with God. Since, the tree of fruits of life, in the Garden of Eden is banned for mankind. I think, Just before Noah's flood, the tree of fruits of life was removed from earth and was planted in paradise (Rev.2:7). It will be replanted, only on The New Earth, in the city of New Jerusalem which will descend from heaven (Rev.22:2). Therefore, till then Jesus himself became Mandatory replacement for fruit of life. How important are these fruits for human survivals! God warned Adam and Eve, "Don't eat the (forbidden) fruit, you will die". Now Jesus is warning his people, "If you don't eat mandatory fruit of Mary's womb (me), you will die" Strange warnings

(6) Other spiritual aspects of word Fruit in "The Bible". In the Garden of Eden; human life depended on fruits; to great extent. Likewise, for teaching spiritual things by comparisons, word fruit is used mostly in the Bible. Examples - Fruits of the spirits are demanded in the Christian life. Fruits of spirit are Christian love, gentleness, forgiveness, kindness, humbleness, peace, grace, joy etc. Fruits of evil spirit are opposite. Fruitfulness - Presence of fruits in the spiritual life and fruitlessness is their absence. Names of some natural fruits are found in the examples and parables of the Bible. Names of many natural fruits are written in the Bible.

(7) Fruits in Holy Covenant Box and Lord's Supper In The Most Holy Box of Covenant three things were kept Manna, Tablets of The Ten Commandments and The Staff of Aaron. God blessed Staff of Aaron and performed mighty miracles in Egypt by the staff. In (Nub.17: 1 to 8) Aaron's staff sprouted, budded and produced almonds (Fruits!). Thus fruits were present even in The Covenant Box!! In The Holiest sacrament of Lord's Supper wine is served. Wine is a mildly fermented juice of grapes and grapes are Fruits! Thus fruits are present even in Lord's Supper!

Fruits have their unique importance in every look and corner of human natural and spiritual life. In The Holy Bible "Fruits" are found everywhere.

God gave importance to fruits to such an extent!... Surprising!!... Isn't it?

(The Bible Used - "THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE - XI" --- "New International Version - vii " )

Author - Mr. Anil Pacharne

Mechanical Engineering Design: The Role of DFM and DFA

What is Design for Manufacturing?

Essentially, DFM refers to the best practices being followed in the design of end products, parts and machine components which greatly reduces the cost of manufacture because it takes care of several factors including raw material costs, tolerances, quality methodologies being used (SPSS, Six Sigma etc.), and testing procedures. It gives a whole new fillip to product design because its main role is to help identify stress and strain factors in the product in advance, while providing a means to map and monitor defects avoidance. It further visualizes any possible ergonomic aspects which can impact the usability of the end product and future sustenance requirements. Basically, DFM is one of the best ways to achieve cost leadership, quality assurance and fulfilling sales objectives.

Some of the ways DFM can help reduce costs and achieve better design:

• Using common datum features and primary axes

• Tapping into existing marketing knowledge, DFSS techniques, process capabilities

• Optimized design to ensure fast production-readiness

• Better symmetry in design

What is Design for Assembly?

Design for Assembly (DFA) refers to the best practices being followed in the design of end products, parts and machine components which ensures reduction in overall costs during assembly. It follows the principle that individual components are more difficult to design, than final assemblages. A lot of costs can be saved if the design keeps in mind the final assembled product instead of singular parts. The Sony Walkman was one of the first products to follow DFA principles which explains its rapid popularity and uptake in the early 1990s. DFA allows more flexibility in terms of incorporating product safety features and workmanship. This plays out in the following ways:

• Rapid fastening of features

• Minimized relocation of parts and components

• Saving of money in material costs

• No repetitive work

• Testing the assembled product in initial conditions such as temperature, humidity, vibrations etc.

• Part controls

In order to meet functional requirements of product manufacturing, assembly design has to be more seamless. As a result, DFM and DFA often come together in what is today known as Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA).

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly

Design and process improvements sit at the heart of a successful product development initiative. The basic way to do it is through minimization of parts involved in design. DFMA analysis is based on knowledge behavior where functional design has to be taken into account. DFMA analysis helps align the marketing position of the company with cost, purchase and material requirements. Some of the factors that are taken into account include:

• Understanding the movement of all parts and components with respect to their neighboring parts and components

• Understanding the material requirements of various parts and knowing about replacement procedures

• Reducing complexity of design to an easy level so that best value can be derived from the entire operation

• Achieving final value

In Conclusion

Mechanical engineering services are focusing on details of value engineering where "small is increasingly better" and migration from old methods to new is in vogue through legacy conversion. Increasingly, Design for Manufacturing and Design for Assembly are seen as the best ways to get results.

How to Make Money Opening a Bar

Opening a bar could be a funny way to make money, but it is very tough: you have to think very well about this project before starting to move and you must be prepared to work hard in this business if you want to succeed.

You will need patience, motivation, money to invest at beginning, experience managing a bar and if the location varies requires it, you will need a liquor license. Also remember that on average 90% of restaurants and bars fail in their first year. Of those who survive, 90% fail in their second year. But if you win, the fact of own a successfully bar can be very rewarding.

In this article you will find the steps involved in opening a bar and the tips in order to succeed.

1. Visit some successful bars in your area

Buy a drink in each one and take notes on what you like and what you do not like. Take a look also at the busy time and then come back later at a quiet time. Familiarize with the laws, regulations and other requirements in the area where you wish to open your bar.

2. The theme in your bar

This is probably the most important decision you have to take. To help your choosing, consider that people tend to visit bars close to where they live and take a look to the competition in your area. Start to think about the menu: depending on what you will offer you might have food, drinks and cocktail menus.

3. Your business plan

You have to consider the amount of money you want to invest, with relation to the location, theme and future income statement. You should also need an accountant and interior design or architect. Your business plan is also used to request finance (if you do not have enough money) from banks or investors for your new business, so be sure to arrange everything.

4. Decide the location

Before select the location for you bar, consider your potential client in the area and make sure you understand the competition in that area. Also, think about the trends and consider the more people in the area, the more clients you could attract. Be careful to choose your location in residential areas, because of the noise, there could have been some restrictions on operating for certain hours. Finally, look for vacant promises, for rent or sale, that can be suitable for your bar.

5. Select and purchase furniture

Tables, chairs, couches, bar stools: if you need some help hire an interior design. Your furniture should of course fit with your chosen theme. Think also about audio, lighting and all the other electronics for you bar. Set also computer systems for sales, orders, stock level and payments like salies and purchasing stock.

6. Licenses

You should apply for all the licenses that you need in your bar: you will have to get a permission to serve food, a permit to serve alcohol, and all your employees will need food handling permits.

7. Bar staff

This includes bartenders, floor staff, security and dj It is very important to hire experienced people, go to personnel agencies if necessary. Consider that the amount of employees you will need depend on the size of your bar. Create your working procedures that the staff has to follow, as bartender service standards or envelopes depending on your bar theme.

8. Entertainment

Bands, dj's or any other entertainment you can offer to your clients.

9. Opening of your bar

You may choose to make a VIP opening, also for media and celebrities and why not, to your suppliers. Or you can directly organize the public opening party and that's all!

It is now time to make money and have fun with your new business !!!

Carpet Cleaning Methods - Choose The Best One For Your Carpet

Maintaining a carpet is absolutely essential as any noticeable spot on your carpet can blotch your image. Approaching a professional carpet cleaning service is quiet essential as they know what type of cleaning method is right for your carpet. Depending on the factors such as type of material and whether the fabric can end the cleaning process etc., commercial carpet cleaners decide the cleaning method. Beside, professional carpet cleaners will cause minimum disturbance to your schedule as they are prepared to work as per your convenience.

Discussed below are a few carpet cleaning methods that commercial carpet cleaning services often follow. The most common cleaning methods include shampooing, steam cleaning and dry cleaning etc. Regardless of the method used for the carpet cleaning, initially it is necessary to vacuum everything from the carpet, especially when deep cleaning is needed. Carpet owners need to understand these methods and identify the most appropriate one depending on their carpet type, budget and convenience.


In this cleaning method, following equipments are used: rotatory floor machine also called as floor buffer that comes with solution tank attachment and nylon shampooing brush. Particles like loose soil are removed initially by pre-vacuuming the areas where shampooing is expected to be done. Once the machine is assembled, technicians use it by mixing carpet shampoo. The amount of shampoo to be used depends on manufacturer's instructions. Then the cleaners work the machine in circular motion throughout the carpet, so that the shampoo is released even on the carpet. The process is continued till it forms letter 'C'. Then they stop releasing the shampoo and move the machine circularly or in other directions to scrub the dirt away. The shampoo can then be extracted by vacuuming the areas. This method is suitable for carpets with traffic pattern or those which are heavily soiled.

Steam or hot water extraction cleaning

This method requires a steam machine, which is used to inject hot water and cleaning solution into the cleaning areas of carpet. The machine features wand and hot water solution holding unit. To set up, the vacuum hoses and solution unit are attached to the wand and machine unit. For starting the cleaning process, technicians start from far end and then clean returns, release the cleaning solution into the carpet by squeezing the trigger, while moving the wand backwards. The process is completed by giving a dry pass to the areas using the wand and removing excess moisture. This method is recommended for office cubicles and areas where tight cleaning is needed.

Quick dry cleaning

As the quick drying technique allows you to get back to your routine life within few hours, it is being preferred over steam cleaning. The most popular method in this category is Bonnet cleaning, which is a low-moisture and quick-drying cleaning technique. This method needs the same machine used in shampooing technique but the attachments vary. Here a block driver is used, which is connected to the machine for holding the absorbent pad. The cleaning solution is mixed and dispensed into the pressure spray, which can be used to spray in the cleaning areas. To start the cleaning, technicians buff the areas with the bonnet pad and move the machine in circular and other directions. All the dirt and moisture is absorbed by the bonnet and the carpet will be set for use in about an hour.

While implementing any of these methods the commercial carpet cleaners carry few things such as air movers, fans, spot cleaning chemicals and removers.

Air movers and fans: While performing the cleaning process it is common that workers occupy the area. They step in and out from wet areas to dry areas making it difficult to dry the area completely. So, to quickly dry the wet areas it is a must to carry the air movers and fans.

Spot cleaning chemicals and tools: Spot cleaning tools are required for areas where strains can be found. Spot cleaning chemicals and tools like gum remover, all-purpose spot remover and rust remover are quiet essential for the spot cleaning.

Request your carpet cleaner to use a protectant at the end of the cleaning process. You can also request them to spray deodorizer. These important carpet cleaning tips will help make your carpet remain clean for long and emanate a lingering fragrance.

How To Select A Gift For Your Girl

Gifts are one of the many ways to impress the girl you like. It is not only used to impress but also to express your feelings to a person. Some boys think that giving gifts end with courtship. But, then again, does courtship end with a girl's yes? Of course not! Some might hesitate to give a gift because they find it difficult to choose one. But, we're here to help. In order to choose the right gift for her, follow these steps:

- You need to know what things she likes. When you're together, you have to pay particular attention to what she does, what movies she likes to watch, what food she chooses to eat, what genre of music she listens to, what colors she usually wear, and what clothes she wears . However, you still do not get what she likes and you really do not have a single idea, try to ask her. But make sure you do not sound obvious.

- You need to know what kind of person she is. Does she care about brands, fashion, or shopping? Does she have love for adventure? Does she like to cook? Does she like flowers and chocolates? And so on ... with all these, you will now have an idea on what to give her.

- You need to know what her hobbies are. If she's into painting, you can buy her a paint set.

- Recall if she's already told you what she likes or if she already got a hint about it.

-Trying asking her friends, sister, brother, or parents. They usually give the best advices regarding this matter.

- If you already have a gift in mind, then go and buy it. If it's out of the budget, buy it some other time or just buy it something else that is less expensive. After all, it's the thought that counts. Girls always appreciate the things their guy gives them.

- Remember that the simplest things usually work. A long-stemmed rose with a note may do the trick.

- If she has an iPod or an mp3 player, browse through her playlists and know what genre of songs she listens to or know her favorite band or singer, then buy her a CD.

- Never ever give her money as a gift. It is kind of offensive. Give her a gift certificate instead.

- Do not go cheap when you choose to buy her jewelry, clothing, or purses. You have to know what labels she like.

- Stuff toys are cute, but they're a 4 out of 10. A girl might think that you do not know her that well that you just opted to buy her the most expected gift a girl would receive from a guy.

- Making her a gift or a personalized gift may be the best option. Girls like to receive things that are ESPECIALLY made for her.