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Monday, October 8, 2018

Wii Media Downloads Review

Wii Media Downloads is an online downloads entertainment center that allows you to turn your WII into a home entertainment center. They cover a wide range of infotainment, including Movie, Music, TV Shows, Games, Software.

In order to take care of the interest of their customers, Wii Media Downloads provides a 24 hour Technical Support. There are not usually any issues, because one just needs to install a simple software. In the interest of the customer and peace of mind, they've included this.

There are no monthly or "Pay Per Download" fees. They provide you the tools for accessing the largest file networks on the planet and locate the files you want. In order to ensure value for their customers, new and updated search collections of games and movies, mp3 are added.

Whats important are the fast download speeds. Because some of the movie files can be quite huge, this is important. Note Wii Media Downloads does not actually host the files. Members have access to the necessary tools to search and download all kinds of files for your Wii or computer. Basically, you will be able to find whatever you need for your Wii or computer. This includes games, movies, software, wallpapers, and much more.

After you download a movie to your PC. You will be able to watch them there using a regular media player, or you will be able to record them using the necessary CD / DVD burning software. Although they do not include that software, they do include with the membership the movie to transfer software. This software will transfer any movie from your computer to your Wii device. Wii Media Downloads offer support around the clock 7 days a week. Inside their member's area, you can contact them anytime and submit your questions. You get clear concise answers back in a timely manner. Plus they offer a 56 day full money refund to protect new members interest.

At Home Money

We all want more at home money, meaning money you can make from home in your spare time. No matter how much a person might make, when it comes to income we want more! Why is this - because it is what we need to get our basic needs? If you do not have a means to earn it then you can not get more basic things, it's that simple.

And now in this reality we are facing in this world today we simply need more than one way to earn this money. Having a plan B these days is a must! Not just a passing thought as when times were better. Earning at home money is something that can be done in spare time. But also should be something you truly enjoy. So in order to have this you must consider certain things.

a. Provide a service in return for money working from your home.
b. Have a product to provide in return for money made from your home.

It must be understood that this will be your at home money making business, so you control the time spend making it work for you.

In the first instance persons must come to your home so you can provide the service they wish to receive, this can interfere with time spent with family, and you are not able to leakage other persons to help it grow. You only receive the at home money when you provide this service.

In the second instance you have a product that others want and need and will buy, you also will have the ability to leakage others to share this product and bring at home money by leveraging them sharing the product as well. And at the same time they are also introduced by you how to earn as well.

This will allow unlimited at home money earning potential and also free up even more time for you as time passes yet your at home money business continues to grow. This is the plan I recommend!

Now that you have this knowledge how will you use it?

So You're The New Project Manager

Having been a PM and progressing through the management chain, and now in a professional services career I've made numerous placements and hired many Project Managers, Program Managers, Directors and other "C" level processionals.

What follows is a brief personal overview of what a new manager needs the first day, the first week and the first month on a new assignment. And certainly this is not a handbook on Project Management101. It's not even close. It's some observations.

Initially some points:

- Determine project use
- Determine scope of the project and risk status
- Determine how project fits the company scope
- Establish base-point: Items completed and user sign-off
- Determination status of existing specifications: On target or not?
- Design in layers ..... Implement in layers

Another needed step is to review status reporting. Managers new on the job can easily give daily status. This assists involvement with the user community.

I am a believer each step depicted by a green arrow / yellow arrow / red arrow to show on-target / potential problem / major problems. The nice thing about arrows is the new manager can use up or down arrows to indicate progress, showing improvement or lack-of-improvement. Graphics are a requirement.

I also suggest spending hours and days with the user group. Find the real decision maker in the group and become good friends.

Enforce user sign-offs. Establish criteria for project scope and how to handle configurations to scope. Scope crawl is a slippery slope since since the new person running a project, you will get false direction. Be careful.

Turn to PMBOK. Get the PDU's necessary to complete your PMP. Not only is that a strong sell point for your credentials, PMBOK has industry wide approval on management of projects. Use SDLC, even if you have to search the term, but have a specific tool to run a project and follow it.

When building project timing, you best use a 2x factor to conduct User Testing. If you mess-up testing and produce a turkey, you're toast.

In 500 words or less, I tried to put together notes on Project Management. 1,000's of books / articles / etc have been written on the topic. If there is even a small gain of a small nugget of information, the article has been worth it.

Critical items:

- Determine project status
- Determine critical users
- Establish bench-marks
- Review completeeness of specifications
- Stick to an approved plan
- Post the plan in a room set aside for "project status." That way, everyone can see project status
- Know the user community
- Know your team
- Build enough time for user testing
- Implement in pieces and layers
- Keep effective and timely status to everyone
- Continually seek user approval
- Celebrate small victories with the team
- Utilize a "team effort" that leads to "team success"
- Never lose site of how this project affects the company

This scenario can be used for technology, finance, anything where a manager is brought into a project at a point where the project has been started and needs to be completed.

This again is a slippery slope to conduct business, but you better be ready.

For additional information and expansion of each or all of these points, please call (248) 630 - 5555 or visit for further assistance.

Registry Fix

Every Microsoft Windows operating system has a registry. Your system registry holds a wealth of information about your computer, which is why we constantly hear from users that after using their PC for a short length of time, it no longer works the way it used to. This is due in part to invalid entries that exist in your system registry, that may exist because of software you are no longer using or software that was not properly removed. By removing these invalid entries, you can significantly increase the performance of your PC.

Registry Fix can restore and clean up Windows Registry Files, Win32, Svchost.exe, Internet Explorer, EXE errors, Repair DLL Error Messages and Fix General Protection Fault Errors. Does your PC crash, is your system running slow or are you receiving regular error messages, Iexplore, or System32 messages? This program will scan your system registry and hard drive for invalid dll, svchost, file references, system references, javascript errors, activex errors, and outlook express errors for free. These invalid references cause system instability, PC errors, constant crashes, and general system slowdowns.
A Slow System?

Harassed by DLL errors?

Plagued by constant Blue Screens?

Receiving error messages and
do not know why?

Registryfix will scan your system registry and
hard drive for invalid file and system references.

These invalid references may cause system instability, PC errors, constant crashes, and general system slowdowns.

The free full scan will identify errors related to:

Missing file associations
Missing startup programs
Invalid device drivers
Invalid application paths
Missing DLL files
Missing help files
Missing system fonts
And much more!

If you would like to fix your computer check this out.

Koi Farming: A Lucrative Source of Money

Of the various species of fish that people keep for pets and as decorative additions to their house and home, koi is one of the more popular. Even with backyard koi ponds first being popular in Japan, homes in North America are reaping the benefits of having a beautiful koi garden well stocked with beautiful and healthy koi. Koi farming in a sense can be seen as a lucrative business today. If you love fish and want to turn your passion and hobby into something that makes money, this is one way for you to go about making extra income.

There are four aspects you have to look into before setting off on the endeavor to start a fish farm and these are location, funds, risks and benefits. fish farming needs a large source of water for your ponds and you also need a good amount of clay soil to make your farm pond. If you have a large piece of land you're doing nothing with it, you can look into ways of stocking it up with water or where you can get a constant stream of water.

As for the funds, you might like to get a partner before you start setting up this kind of business .. If you do not want to work with anyone, a financial backer would have been enough to help you with the costs of establishing your farm . An average middle class income just is not sufficient to provide the funds and meet the expenses of constructing a koi farm. Even if you get funds from savings or mortgaging your second home, it might not be enough. You also stand being rejected if you ask for loans or grants from banks or other financial institutions. A partner will provide a more or less steady stream of funds.

The main risks people who strive in koi farming run into is poor koi genetics. There are other risks but if genetics is what you're dealing with, you might be looking at sickly koi or koi that is not as beautiful as it's supposed to be. You might have koi that only has a few patterns or the colors that are not as intense as people are looking for. If you also have competition in your area, you can run into trouble with your koi farm. What if cash flow stops in your business, what then?

With the benefits of koi farming, there are also a great many rewards from the process. Starting up your koi farm can be rocky with the high expenses of constructing a koi farm, getting a large supply of water and so on. But once you've got yourself established, you do not have to worry about running costs. Koi will lay several thousand of eggs during spawning and you can easily help all of them live by providing them with still conclusive waters. As for koi tolerance to climate change and water change, these fish have a very high acceptance to a new environment. If you think you have what it takes, you can make money from putting up a koi farm.

A Brief History of Rock and Pop Music

You may be wondering when exactly did rock / pop music begin? There's no clear answer to this. Some might say that it started with the advent of rock n roll with Bill Haley and the Comets in 1952. Others would say Elvis, although not the first but certainly the original truly global superstar. Yet none of these were really the first. Rock n roll has its roots in blues which has its roots back to the 19th century with black immigrants trying to escape from their slave driven lives. Fast forward to the early 20th. century and some of the earliest records on 78 began to appear. Players from this time such as Bobby Jo and Robert Johnson helped to form the structure of early blues

Robert Johnson had recorded only thirty songs during his short life as he was invented from achieving true fame while alive by being poisoned by a jealous husband. He died shortly before he was being sent to appear at the 'Spirituals To Swing' concert in 1938 by record producer John Hammond. As a result, his reputation only took off after Hammond released an album of his recordings for Columbia in the early sixties. Later blues exponents like Muddy Waters and Eric Clapton advised borrowing heavily from these early stalwarts.

In the 50's, artists took the basic blues style and used electric guitars, drums and double bass for the first time creating early rock n roll, later known as rockabilly. Stalwarts like Chuck Berry, Buddy Hollie and Jerry Lee Lewis were the most famous protagonists here. Later Elvis in the US and to a lesser extent, Cliff Richard (later leading the Shadows) in the UK brought rock n roll to a truly worldwide audience. This paved the way for the 60's beat era which could have considered the true beginning of pop music as we know it today, certainly as far as bands were concerned.

In the 50's and early 60's, it was mostly lead solo artists with just a backing band. With the advent of the beat era, bands dominated with The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys from the US taking the world by storm. Even so, The Beatles later admitted being heavily influenced by those earlier rock n roll and blues artists. They mostly played rock n roll and blues covers at their pre-fame Hamburg concerts. in the early 60's. The Beatles however, were the first band to successfully blend classical music textures with rock n roll to form perfectly crafted pop songs. While bands like The Rolling Stones continued with the mainly rock n roll theme,

The Beatles took their finely crafted style further in the seminal album 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 'in 1967 by utilizing new studio techniques and instruments never used before. They used a new instrument called 'the Melotron' This was basically a keyboard that played looped tape recordings. of real instruments. The most famous sound from this was probably the flute used on the 'Strawberry Fields' single recorded at the same time but later dropped from the album. The Melotron though, was cumbersome and unreliable and had a rather grainy sound. Even so It was regarded as the forerunner of the electronic sampler, invented nearly 20 years later. Infinitely more flexible than the Melotron, the sampler helped build the framework for modern pop, dance and R & B music.

The Beatles 'Sgt .. Pepper' album with its groundbreaking recording techniques was preceded the year before by their 'Revolver' album. These LP's helped popularize a new wave in music known as psychedelic or acid rock, named after the mind bending effects of LSD drugs. Pink Floyd also recorded their debut album 'Piper at the Gates of Dawn' in the studio next door at the same time that The Beatles recorded Sgt. Pepper. It was reported that Pink Floyd were a direct influence to The Beatles as a result. This new style incorporated new guitar effects like Fuzz, flanger anger and delays. These were used along side the earliest portable synthesizers such as the therein and mini Moog. invented by Bob Moog.

In America, the Beach boys responded with the 'Pet sounds' LP in 1966 and later that year released the first big psychedelic hit 'Good Vibrations'. About this time, the band 'Jefferson Airplane' recorded their debut album which was also the first LP to come out of the new San Franciscan music scene. This got the record industry's attention and they had two of the earliest psychedelic hits 'White Rabbit' and 'Somebody to Love' in 1967.

Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Jim Morrison joined with members of The Psychedelic Rangers and Rick and the Ravens to form 'The Doors' They were initially turned down by Columbia but were signed to Electra Records and released their own titled debut LP in 1967. The album included the 7 minute long hit single 'Light my Fire' one of the first to break the typical three minute pop and rock song barrier.

Back in Britain, radio broadcasting was very limited because the BBC were the only organization allowed to broadcast on the mainland and had just two pop music shows The Saturday club and Easy Beat Radio Luxembourg partially filled the gap but it was left to pirate radio, broadcast from ships out at sea with DJ John Peel 'which enabled the new style to reach a mass audience, often eclipsing the BBC in popularity. The BBC responded in the end with the advent of Radio 1 in June 1967. With the existing labor government making pirate radio illegal in Britain several months later, Du's like John Peel rather than risk arrest joined radio 1 which had a much more informal and relaxed style as opposed to the staid and conservative approach favored by the BBC until then. This perfectly suited psychedelic pop and rock and John Peel championed this in his late night shows. playing new genres of music and introducing new and unsigned bands in the Peel sessions. He did this for nearly four decades until his death in 2004.

By the end of the 60's after the break up of the beatles, mainstream music was about to change direction yet again both in style and fashion.

Teaching Piano From Home - Pros And Cons

Teaching piano is a good secondary source of extra income if you do it part-time. If you teach full-time, you may even earn enough to live on your income as a piano teacher. You can have a gratifying career giving piano lessons whether you do it part-time or full-time. Imagine the satisfaction of attending a special musical skill to other people. Learning a musical instrument is such a treat for some people.

Even if teaching piano can sounds like an excellent career for a pianist, it will not always be easy to be a professional instructor. There are some challenges to giving piano lessons to some students who do not learn quickly or from kids who were forced by parents to take piano lessons. Better to be aware of some pros and cons to giving piano lessons before getting into it.

It may become a satisfying career to teach piano after you see some students become professional piano players or start to teach piano too. Many kids and adults would like to learn how to play the piano and you can be instrumental in making their dreams come true. I can not think of anything more gratifying than to be able to do that.

Teaching piano from home as a full-time career or a part-time job can be more financially beneficial than teaching from a university of someone else's music school. Having your own piano teaching business allows you to have full control of all the student's tuition fees. At a school you can only get half of what students pay because the other half goes to the owner of the school as profit and payment for overhead expenses.

Another advantage to teaching piano from your home studio is you get to be your own boss. You can set your own time and schedule, or teach the way you want to. If you teach from a school you will have limited control over your teaching materials, time and schedule. You will be like an employee who has to follow the school's rules.

There are a few cons to giving piano lessons from a home studio like privacy issues. Usually, teaching piano whenever at home or at a school that will not guarantee that all students will be easy to teach. You may have slow learners who are unmotivated to practice. This is when a true teacher is tested. Patience is one of the most important virtues a teacher can have. Without it, you may struggle giving piano lessons to some students.

Teaching from home could mean that your income may vary from time to time. Some students may quit, move to another town or switch to another piano teacher. Although you can earn more per lesson by teaching at home, you are not guaranteed a stable fixed income each month or year.

Your lack of teaching credentials may prevent you from raising your fees. Try to take a pedagogy course to increase your value as a piano teacher. Display your credentials and certificates in your home studio to show students that you are a professional teacher and not just teaching as a hobby. Ask other professional piano teachers about how to earn more teaching piano from home.